Chapter 7: Valentine's Day

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(Warning a lot of POV switches also don't play the song yet)
Friday, February 14
Kenny POV
"Ok McCormick you can do this. Just calm down, you're just setting up a date for the girl you have had a crush on since the fourth grade."
I looked in the mirror revealing the black short-sleeve button-up, dog tag, blue jeans, and ankle boots. My orange parka on the bed, grabbing it I slipped it on and left to meet (b/n). It is currently six in the morning and I have a lot to do today. This day is going to be one of the greatest ever. Not long after I hear a car honk. Rushing out the door I jumped in the car and we took off.
(y/n) POV
I shot out of bed and turned off my alarm to get ready for the day. I grabbed a red cardigan, a light pink shirt, baby blue ripped jeans, black tennis shoes, the necklace Kenny gave me, and a heart choker. One of the few times I put makeup on and I am for sure going to be light. I put on the massacre, filled in my eyebrows, put a tiny bit of blush on my cheeks and nose, and then topped it all of with pink-tinted lipgloss. I put it in my bag and started on my hair. Just to make it simple I got my light grey bandana and tied it in a headband bow. Quickly leaving my room to brush my teeth and get food.
'The keys aren't in their normal spot so (b/n) must have taken the car.'
I tossed my bag over my shoulder and ran to the bus stop. The walk was about five minutes and I noticed as soon as I got there the guys are acting strange. Not only that but Kenny is nowhere in sight.
"Hey, guys where is Ken?"
"Probably sick or already at school," Stan said nervously
The only one not acting weird is Cartman, but even he is a bit tense
"Yeah sure?"
Kenny POV
6:30 (time is going to jump around to just bear with me)
"So do we have everything?"
"Yeah Ken it is all her and packed in the car."
"Good and thanks again (b/n) for helping me with this."
"Don't worry about man. I have no reason not to help. I mean this is going to completely shock her."
"I hope she'll like it."
"I am sure she will love it, but if you want to get this done on time we need to get to the school."
"Let's fucking do this."
(y/n) POV
" is going to be a drag, like always."
"You never know it could be the best day ever," Kyle commented
"Highly unlikely."
I reached my locker and put it in the combination. Opening the locked door there are chocolates, flowers, and a note signed by Kenny. I picked out the note and tore the seal off.

Meet me at Stark's pond for a bigger surprise. ❤️Happy Valentine's Day ❤️
p.s. Expect more surprises today.

Your little pervert Kenny
Smiling at the note I put it and the chocolates in my bag leaving the flowers in my locker. Take my stuff for math and walking over to start my day. When I walked in people gathered around my desk.
"What is everyone looking at?"
They all looked at me and moved from my desk to let me see. On the desk is a photo album of Kenny and I. The pictures start at when we first as kids to just at Christmas with the snowball fight and the necklace. Flipping through each picture I cliches the necklace. I couldn't help the huge smile creeping on my face. Once I was done I slipped it in my bag and waited for class to start.
'This is going to be exciting.'
*Time skip to lunch*
"Fatass where are you going?"
"I am not fat just big-boned and lunch why?"
"Well Kenny is nowhere in sight and you the only friend I have in this class. I was wondering if I could walk with you to lunch."
"Sure do whatever the fuck you want."
We started walking silence. The halls aren't that crowded considering people rush to eat right when the bell rings.
"So how have you been Cartman?"
"Good I guess just a bit lonely."
"what do you mean?"
"Well you have Kenny, Kyle, and Stan have each other, then there is Tweek and Craig. It's just everyone has someone and I am just wondering if I will ever get that."
"Damn Cartman. I know you probably hear this a lot but you will find someone. If you show that person the side that I get to see if you and not just douche bag asshole that the guys see. Then you will definitely find someone. It just takes time to get the right person."
He stopped in his tracks turning to me in tears. Then engulfing me in the tights hug possible.
"Thank you so much (y/n)."
"Don't worry about it, " I pulled him away to face me "Now let's get lunch." he nodded and made our way there.
Once we reached the table with our lunch trays the boys started smiling and acting weird again. Stan was holding something behind his back.
"Stan what is that?"
"You'll see." I sat down with my tray waiting.
"Close your eyes," Kyle said
"Ths better not be some trick," I replied as I closed my eyes
"Just trust us." Cartman not so helpfully reassured
"Alright open them," Stan said with more excitement than me
I opened my eyes to see a molten chocolate cake with a hard chocolate rectangle, on top of the cake. The hard chocolate said,
"Happy Valentine's Day, Love"
"Just be glad Cartman didn't see this our it would be gone," Kyle said
I was almost to the point of tears. No one has ever treated me like this. All my other boyfriends or guys that like me have always treated me like shit or didn't care enough. Cartman seemed to notice because he stared at me a bit before speaking.
"Hey (y/n) you ok?" I looked at him tears threatening to fall and a smile on my face.
" I am better than ok, I am...I...I can't even describe it."
I sat there for the rest of the lunch devouring my food and the cake.
Kenny POV
At Lunch
"Ok I have thirty minutes to set this up. Although I could skip my next class. No no, I will just get what I can done and finish after class."
I started setting up all the decorations on the trees. The (f/flower) strayed everywhere. Drinks and food in place. Lastly, the music ready to play.
"I hope she likes it."
With that I grabbed my jacket and ran back to the school.
(y/n) POV
*time skip to after school*
The school day is finally over and I can see what this surprise is. After taking the flowers out of my locker I stuck the stem in my school bag. I went to walk out of the school but the next thing I know there are hands over my eyes. Tensing up I tried to think who it could be till I heard the all to familiar deep and smooth voice.
"It's just me. I kind of thought to guide you instead and I see you wore the necklace I got you."
"So you're going to blindfold me?"
"Yep kinky I know." we both chuckled as he wrapped the blindfold on.
Both his hand gently grasping my shoulders guiding me where to go. My hands in my pockets trusting him. The walk to Stark's Pond is never really that long.
"What exactly do you have planned?"
"Oh just a little something you know." he answered me vaguely
"You're impossible."
"You know you love me."
"Yeah yeah."
"Wait what?"
Shortly after we reached the pond he stopped me and took the blindfold off. The tree wrapped in string lights with lantern and (f/flower) strayed across the ground. A picnic blanket on the ground with food, drinks, and my brother's speaker.
'So that is how he did all this he had (b/n) help. That's sweet of him.'
All of this is so stunning, I just don't know what to say. I looked at him smiling. That seemed to take some of the worries away.
"Do you like it?"
"Like it? Kenny, it is gorgeous. No has ever done something like this for me." I said as I tackled him in a hug.
I pulled away and searched in my bag for the chocolates and grabbed the flowers.
"I didn't eat them all day. That took a lot of will power mind you."
"Why I got them for you?"
"I wanted to share with you." I replied giving a closed-eyed smile
We sat down on the blanket and looked at the water. Turning to him I noticed something. It took me a bit to notice but he doesn't have his signature jacket on. The breeze is nice and just the right amount of cold. I thought now would be the time to tell him if any.
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course."
" have wanted to tell you this for years now but I have always been too scared. When we started this bet I should have just told you right then and there, but my immorality secret kept me from doing so. God, I am rambling. I guess what I am trying to say is...I have had a crush on you too for the longest time."
He looked at me shock all over his face. A smile slowly crept on his face.
"So what you are saying is all charm and charisma has been working all this time." he said smugly
"You could say that." I replied rolling my eyes
We started at each other both leaning closer. His hand rested on my cheek, our eyes starting to close. My arms around his neck ad his around my waist. A warm sensation throughout my body and his lips pressed against mine. The kiss passionate and filled with desire. I slipped my hand into his hair as he pulled me closer. Eventually, we pulled away for air. I put my forehead on his panting.
"Wow...that felt nice."
"You don't know how long I have wanted to do that."
"That was actually my first kiss too."
"You know I could take all you firsts~"
We laughed at the comment. I punched him slightly and he stood up. Holding out his hand for me to take. Without question I took it.
"Care for a dance." I nodded slightly and he turned on the music.
(now play it)
He started the song as wrapped his hands on my waist and mine on his neck. We slow dance to the music. It was calming and nice. I rested my head on his shoulder just taking at the moment. The sun setting and the lanterns growing brighter. He smelled of vanilla which is odd considering how much alcohol and cigarettes he is around at home.
'This night couldn't get any better.'
I spoke too soon.
"Can I ask you something?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
I pulled him in and kissed him quickly yet desperately. Not care about anything but him.
"Of course I will my light in the darkness."
From then on we ate chocolate, talked, and had a mini snowball fight. We packed up the stuff but left the lights as a reminder. Kenny insisted on walking me home holding hands all the way there. Reaching my house is a good twenty minutes from Stark's Pond. The entire time joking around and talking about stupid shit. Honestly, getting so detracted I almost missed my house.
"We're here."
"Already I was hoping to spend more time with you." I whined
"You will and maybe get to see a little something~" I rolled my eyes and laughed
"Pervert." he held his heart pretending to be hurt
"I'll see you tomorrow, night Love."
"Night Ken."
I walked inside only to be greater with an ecstatic brother.
"How did it go?"
"Honestly, ..." I started off sad to throw him off
"Oh I am sorry (y/n) I thought,"
"It was amazing the string lights the music, everything. We talked and joked. We kissed and watched the pond."
"You guys kissed!" he might as yelled
"Yeah." I said shyly
"Oh my God my ship is coming true." we chuckled
"I should probably head to bed I will see you is the morning."
"See you in the morning." he said with a suspicious grin
I walked up the stair to my room. Opening the door I noticed a purple cape leaving the window view. On my bed lay a small music box. The box looked exactly like the one from the movie Anastasia. Not only that but playing my favorite song for the movie 'Once Upon a December'. Shutting my windows I went to get ready for bed. Just as I laid down I had one thought before I blacked out.
'I don't deserve him.'
(A/n) sorry if this is not the best but I try. UNTIL NEXT TIME MY STARS!!!

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