𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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chapter three

"so um, we didn't see anything." mutters kiara bluntly. kelsie looks at her sister as she twists a piece of her curls between her fingers nervously. the cops found the body of scooter grubbs. he is, or was, the owner of the grady white.

"we don't know anything." panics kelsie bounching her leg. jj notices her nervous gesture and puts his hand on top of her knee which helps her calm down, "we need to have complete and total amnesia." speaks pope pacing back in forth on the chateau's porch. he seems more nervous then the other pogues combined. "actually, pope's right for once."

"deny, deny, deny." speaks jj with slight aggitation in his tone. jj's recent actions and mood make kelsie nervous so she's hesitant to speak up but she decides that it's for the best, "we can't keep that money."

"okay? not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, kelsie." mutters jj anger still in his voice, "kelsie's right. we have to pass that off to lana grubbs. otherwise it's bad karma." replies kie defending of her sister which causes kels to smile at her, "bad karma to be implicated in a felony too-"

"we gotta go dark." interupts john b who was previously quiet. "if that means we get to keep the money then i agree." speaks jj, "i don't." mutters the twins.

"i don't agree either." retorts john b running his hands through his hair, "what? why?"

"hm. let me see. this is scooter grubbs we're talking about. he's a dirtbag marina rat." speaks kelsie growing angry with the lack of a decent conclusion from the group, "kels is right. same dude that's buying individual cigarettes at the porthole." adds john b which makes her smirk proudly. "and all of a sudden he has a grady-white? just saying."

"all right. so think about it pope. how does a marina rat cop a grady-white?"


"square groupers bro!" yells jj smacking the wall. "flying under the radar. no survellience. they don't do that stuff during a hurricane."

"and what exactly does that mean jj?" asks kelsie furrowing her brows in confusion and doubt, "they were straight smugglin. and i guarantee there's a serious amount of contraband in that wreck."

"if there's as much illegal shit as you think there is on that boat, then someone's definitely gonna come looking for it." speaks kelsie rubbing her forehead from stress. "and taking it would be catastrophically stupid." adds pope, "right. well stupid things have good outcomes all the time. all we need to do is get into the cargo hold of that wreck." smiles jj brightly holding the stolen money from the motel.

"until then we need to lay low. just act normal." adds john b adjusting the hat on his head. "right. and how exactly do you plan on doing that?" asks kie with disbelief in her voice, "kegger." smiles kelsie brightly.

kelsie looks around the boneyard at her friends. her and kiara are talking to some tourons about environmental issues while the boys are hitting on random girls they'll never see again, starting to grow bored.

kelsie rolls her eyes at the sight. "kels! get over here!" yells the blonde boy a few feet away gesturing her to come quickly to save the boys. kelsie sighs and gets up from the log she was sitting on and gestures her sister goodbye.

she approaches the boys and their faces light up, "hello boys." smiles kelsie. "glad to see you could join us." laughs john b. "who's this?" asks a random touron who was leaning onto jj whose visibly unimpressed. "save us." mouths jj.

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀 ∞︎︎ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now