𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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chapter eleven

the twinkie pulls up to the hotel that jj works at. kelsie slides the van door open and climbs out to see jj about to put his gun in his pocket, "jj. you can't bring a gun in there." scolds the girl hitting the boys arm, "what?" questioned the blonde acting like there was absolutely no problem with bringing a gun into a public place. "jj..." continues kelsie with a threatening tone.

"you can never be too careful baby." says the boy still brushing off kelsie's words, "i predict bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel will likely cause more problems then they solve." speaks pope poking his head into the opening of the passenger's side, "thank you pope." replies kelsie in relief that someone was listening to her.

"i swear i'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean jj." adds kie not pleased with jj's reckless actions, "put it back." john b grabs the gun and puts it back in the glove compartment, "you can't grab a gun like that." huffs jj before getting out of the van and putting his worker's badge on the loop of his shorts.

"can't forget my badge. professional busboy." laughs jj before grabbing kelsie's hand and leading the pogues into the hotel through the back.

"so where are we going now?" questions kelsie looking around the hotel. the hotel reeks of whiskey and overly competitive kooks, "we're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity right now." says jj before taking a sharp turn into a room, "this way!"

the pogues enter a kitchen where at least twenty cooks are preparing various types of food, "mama l! good to see you!" smiles jj before stealing a piece of food from a tray, "hey no! jj!" scolded the woman before the pogues exited the kitchen and emerged into another part of the hotel, "see, they got backup generators going. kooks don't miss a beat." says the blonde poking kelsie's side before opening the door to a room. the room is filled with expensive computers. typical kooks.

"sweet lord! the internet!" exclaims pope running over to a computer with his eyes lit up. jj pulls kelsie over to another computer, "gotta check out my instagram models, and by that i mean kelsie." she rolls her eyes playfully in response, "we don't have time." kelsie hovers over pope who is punching coordinates into google earth, "boom! continental shelf right there."

"well it's off the deep end, it's not gonna be much of a treasure hunt is it?" questions john b pointing to the computer screen. pope sighs and zooms into the coordinates further, "come on baby." he pleads praying for something good to come of this.

"shit! it's on the high side! it's only 900 feet!" exclaims pope, relief filling his voice, "that's not too deep. is that doable or something?" asks jj resting his head on kelsie's shoulder.

"yeah. totally doable." says john b with confirmation, "will we be taking your personal submarine?" questions kelsie furrowing her brows at how they'll find the merchant, how deep it is or isn't aside.

"the salvage yard." blurts out jj causing kelsie to look back at him, "they got a drone that can drop 1,000. it had a 360 camera and everything. it's for deep dives and stuff. exactly what we need." smiles j which gives kelsie a bit of hope.

"can your dad get his grimy little hands on that?" asks john b adjusting his hat, "well my dads grimy little hands got his ass fired. i guess the salvage captain frowns on showing up shitfaced. but the drone's there. it's in the impound yard out back."

"how much did you say was on the royal merchant again?" asks kie looking at john b, "400 million."

"400 mill..." repeats jj in disbelief, "well then what are we waiting for? an invitation? let's get our asses up and go." retorts kelsie impatiently.

"nope. absolutely not. absolutely not! no!" says pope standing in front of the door to prevent the other pogues from leaving the room, "pope! move!" yells kelsie pushing the boy to the side and opening the door, "can't we do anything legal for money?!" huffs pope before following the others out of the room and out of the hotel.

the pogues are back in the van and are on their way to the salvage yard. and with his good, methodical nature, pope continues his complaining about how bad of an idea it is to "steal marine gear and equipment".

"pope. we're not stealing the drone. we're borrowing it." persists john b trying to get the boy to lighten up, "humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." replies pope bluntly, "did you come up with that? asks the brunette boy taking his eyes off the road to exchange a look with pope briefly, "albert bernstein came up with it, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing."

"so which is it? fantasy or reality?" questions kelsie lifting her head from jj's lap who's smoking a blunt, "why are you so weird pope?" blurts j out of nowhere in particular, "it's fantasy but possible reality." replies kie to kelsie disregarding jj's words.

"virtual reality."

the pogues approach the carrera's truck with the boat attached. this will be their distraction. kelsie and kie get out of the van. the twins go to turn on the car when kelsie is stopped by jj,"okay...." jj begins to mess with her hair and adjusts her shirt so her boobs are on the verge of busting out of it, "if that guy so much as looks at you the wrong way, you knee him in the balls and i'll kill him later."

kelsie laughs and the boy pulls her into a hug, "i mean it. be careful angel." kelsie pulls away and kisses the boy softly, "you know i will."

kelsie waves bye and walks over to the truck, getting inside, "what did he give you a boyfriend speech?" laughs the sister driving down towards the salvage yard.

kelsie shrugs because she doesn't fully grasp how she can answer. because she doesn't really know the answer. even though they act like a couple, her and jj aren't official. at the end of the day, they're best friends. it's always been kelsie and jj, jj and kelsie. where one is, so is the other. could they be more? possibly. but would it be healthy for their friendship? unknown. they don't need a label to say they like each other that much is obvious. but kelsie can't help but let her mind wander to the possibility of officially "being more".

 but kelsie can't help but let her mind wander to the possibility of officially "being more"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀 ∞︎︎ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now