𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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chapter seven

"we were right outside like this. and all we hear is just "bam! bam! bam!" knocking paint off the walls from the inside!" explains jj to kie and pope at the events the others just witnessed.

"all right? and i'm looking at him, like- wait! first of all look at this shit!" speaks jj shaking his hair with paint chips falling onto the porch.

"that's dandruff. disgusting." scowls kie pretending to puke, "actually kie. it really is paint." mutters kelsie picking it out of her own hair.

"at that point i was just like.. waiting for death!" yells jj pacing across the deck pulling at his hair, "oh okay. so you saw the guys that at us right?" asks pope adjusting his hat.

"yeah." speaks jj stopping his pacing in front of pope, "did you get a good description of them? what did they look like? anything we can bring to a police report?"

"yeah. burly."

"that's not very helpful." complains kie putting her face in her hands, "okay well no. like the type of guy at my dad's garage." kelsie frowns at the mention of jj's dad, "i mean you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers. and i can tell you with full-confidence that. these boys, these killers. they're square groupers."

"like narco square grouper? like pablo escobar square grouper?" asks pope furrowing his brows in confusion, "yeah man."

"you guys not everything is a kingpin movie." signs kelsie laying on her sister, "what does this square grouper look like? specifically?" continues pope.

"you weren't there."
"you don't know what to look for?"

"dude! i wasn't taking little mental polaroids the entire time. i was under duress okay?" jj starts to pace again and runs his fingers through his hair in distress.

"kelsie was crying and john b was tweaking over a compass. but i can tell you by the way that ms lana was screaming that these guys are some serious hombres man." kelsie shutters at the reminder of ms lana's screams and her sister hugs her as a response.

"i'm not liking this very much." protests kie comforting her nearly crying twin, "why do they want the compass? it's a piece of shit. you could pawn it off for five bucks if you wanted to. no offense-"

"the office." interrupts the previously completely silent john b as he gets up and makes his way towards the back of the chateau with his friends following. jj pulls kelsie to the side quickly, "hey. you okay?" asks the boy lacing his arms around the girl tightly.

"yeah. i'll be okay." mumbles the girl into his chest, "come on let's go into the office." speaks kels pulling jj's arm towards the office but jj stops her again. the blonde picks up her chin for her to look at him, "hey you don't have to worry. i'll always be here for you. whatever you need kels. i'm serious." kelsie nods looking at the boys blue eyes.

kelsie then grabs jj's hand and walks into the office, "after he died, the compass was given to stephen. stephen had the compass with him when he died in vietnam." speaks john b looking at some sort of timeline big john created.

"let me guess, he died in action right?" asks jj wrapping his arms around kelsie from behind peering over her shoulder, "sort of. actually he was killed by a banana truck. in country." kelsie stifles a laugh as john b continues, "anyways, after that, stephen passed the compass down to my dad."

"sounds like a reoccurring theme here." speaks kelsie a little freaked out by the compass's misfortune, "yeah dude. you have a death compass."

"i do not."
"you have a death compass."

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀 ∞︎︎ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now