𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞

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chapter nine

kelsie and jj are laying on the beach when her phone begins to chime. kiara's name pops up on the screen, her calling. kelsie mentally curses figure eight for having cell service. kelsie excuses herself and walks down the beach where jj hopefully won't hear her, "what could possibly be more important than my date kie?!"

"hey hey. no need to yell. it's john b using kie's phone. sorry to break up you and jj macking but we need you guys at the wreck now asap."

"seriously? what could be that important?" asks kelsie anger flooding through her voice but with a lower volume.

"just come to the wreck. it's kind of an emergency."

"fine. whatever. i'll tell j. see you soon." scoffs kelsie hanging up the phone. the girl walks back to the spot with her arms crossed.

"what's wrong? i heard yelling." asks jj getting up, hugging the girl, "john b needs us to meet them down at the wreck asap." huffs kelsie nuzzling her head into the boy's neck.

"really? now?" asks jj kissing the girl between his words, "sadly. he said it's an emergency."

"okay. i'll take care of this later then. let's go." speaks jj before giving kelsie another kiss, "you really like kissing me don't you?" giggles the girl.

"don't tease me. you like it too." speaks the boy over his shoulder walking to his bike smirking.

kelsie and jj arrive at the wreck with the other pogues outside waiting for them, "this emergency better be serious." speaks kelsie crossing her arms.

"there's really no emergency that was more of an excuse to get you here. but we do need you guys. so c'mon let's go." speaks john b before hopping in the van.

kelsie rolls her eyes and gets in the van sitting on jj's lap. the ride is mostly quiet till the boy under kelsie speaks up, "you mind if we relax on this one? it's been a long day and you interrupted our date."

john b nods from the front seat and jj hands kelsie his joint which she more than willingly took. she doesn't normally smoke for various reasons, unless certain circumstances arise and these seem to fit the criteria. kelsie puts the joint between her lips and inhales it. then she kisses jj and during exhales the smoke into his mouth.

"that was hot." teases jj playfully. pope looks at the pair with wide eyes and kelsie laughsbefore taking another hit, "did you want a hit of this?" questions the girl.

"i keep the signal clear." replies pope uncomfortably after what he witnessed which makes kelsie giggle slightly, "dude okay. do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative?" asks jj giggling with kelsie.

"if you got creative then-" jj is cut off by john b stopping the van and getting out followed by his voice "look i was wrong about the lighthouse alright? and wrong about everything else going on. but i was right about one thing. my dad is trying to tell me something."

kelsie furrowsher brows at john b's words and she walks with jj into what looks like a cemetery. being a little freaked out, she instinctively interlocks her fingers with the boys still exchanging the blunt with one another.

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀 ∞︎︎ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now