𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱

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chapter six

the pogues head back to the chateau, all of them aching with anticipation to find out what kelsie found on scooter grubb's grady-white. john b docks the hms pogue and the friends climb onto the dock impatiently. "oh god.. what do you think it is?" groaned kie worried about their possible discoveries.

"it's gotta be money right?" questions john b hesitating to open the duffle bag. "that or a couple of keys with the street value to the low-to-mid mills."

"can we please just open the bag?!" shouts pope very frustrated and impatiently. "wow pope." laughs kelsie rubbing his back, "that's a rare outburst of emotion." replies jj sarcastically putting an arm around pope. the boy shakes his friends off, "okay! you guys are literally killing me with anticipation! open the bag!"

"jeez." huffs jj hovering over john b as he opens the duffle bag slowly, "we almost died for this." complains kelsie putting her head on jj's shoulder. john b pulls out a canister and opens it to find an old compass, "oh wow. yup. that's about right." spits pope getting up and beginning to pace along the dock.

"good job everybody! we found a compass!" claps kelsie visibly angry that she risked her life and almost drowned and got shot at for a compass. john b just stares at the compass completely mesmerized by it, "dude what? it's not worth anything." huffs jj running his hands through his hair.

"this was my fathers." speaks john b with a huge smile plastered on his face with glimmers of hope evident in his eyes.

jj and kelsie walk to john b's hand-in-hand to go to see lana grubbs about the compass. they peer through the front window to see jb passed out on the couch so they concoct a plan.

her and jj bang on the window and yell, "DCS! i know you're in there!" causing john b to fall off the couch. the laughter from jj and kelsie began to flood the house, "gotcha!" laughs jj helping his friend off the floor, "you should have seen your face!" smiles kelsie, "yeah slick. come on let's go." speaks john b clearly not impressed with his friends prank as he picks up his keys and walks outside to the van.

the three pogues pile in the van with john b driving and jj and kelsie in the passenger. "i'm just saying. i don't know why you don't at least try with kie." speaks jj trying to start a conversation with his quiet friend, "yeah she clearly likes you." agrees kelsie laying on jj's lap with her legs on john b. "yeah and she's like "oh john b." adds jj attempting to mimick kie and failing miserably which earns a giggle from kelsie.

"yeah and she kissed you." teases kelsie poking john with her foot as jj runs his hands through her hair, "she kissed me on the cheek. it's not like we were making out." says john b rolling his eyes, "so you wanna make out with my sister?" questions kels still teasing john, "low-hanging fruit bro. don't pretend you don't notice. i see it in your eyes."

"yeah and you're like "i kinda like that" and you start blushing." teases kelsie helping to rest their case, "i blush?" questions jb with an embarrassed tone.



"yeah!" speaks jj grabbing big john's compass from the cupholder, "hey don't-"

"i was just looking at it." groans jj a little hurt, "i gotta admit. you're dad's compass in scooter's boat. that's freaky." sighs kelsie as the van pulls up to ms lana's house.

𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐀 ∞︎︎ jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now