1 - 1 I wish I was yours

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(A/N) This was meant to be a one shot, but I split it up into five parts for some reason :3 The first two chapters are shorter since the actual plot starts in chapter three.

Tsukishima Kei would be lying if he said that he didn't have a crush on Kuroo Tetsurou.

He would be lying if he said that he hadn't seen Kuroo across the net in their first practice game and thought he was the most attractive guy he'd seen.

He would be lying if he said that he hated the sly grins or smirks that Kuroo would give him when he blocked one of Karasuno's spikes.

He would be lying if he said that he hated the bed hair that Kuroo sported, or that wheezing laugh he had.

Tsukishima Kei wouldn't be lying if he said he wished he was Kuroo's.


It was a commonly known fact that Tsukishima Kei didn't do love. He rejected every confession he got, and even those were rare because of his salty personality. He didn't talk about who he liked, and never even showed any signs of liking anyone, because he simply didn't like anyone. He had never liked anyone his entire life, except for the occasional glance at a guy and thinking 'he's cute' before suppressing those feelings.

The first practice game against Nekoma was when he'd first laid eyes on Kuroo Tetsurou. He had brushed the older teen off at first, finding him annoying and a pain in the ass. Over the course of their game, however, he found himself watching Kuroo. There was something alluring about him, something that Tsukishima couldn't help but like.

It wasn't until after the game when they were ready to go on the bus that it registered with himself that he'd been staring. He'd been watching Kuroo once again, but this time the other male looked up and waved, giving him a smile. Tsukishima stuck up his finger and looked away, embarrassed that he'd been noticed. The bus ride home was silent, as he tried his best to ignore Yamaguchi's pestering about why he had interacted with Kuroo like that. He was too busy trying to get rid of the thought of Kuroo, and that smile that he'd been given. Not a smirk, not like the sly looks that he'd been given throughout the game, but an actual smile.

It had been from a distance, but it was still clear in his mind. By the time he'd gotten home that night, Tsukishima still couldn't forget that look. It invaded his every thought, even in his dreams. It was at that point he realised he felt something for Kuroo, and at that point he knew that he was screwed.

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