4 - 1 Even if we part, I'll always be yours

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Even if we part, I'll always be yours
Tsukishima woke up the next morning, finding himself much warmer than usual. He was one of those people that was always cold at night time, and so it was nice to be so cozy. Not only that, he found he was significantly more comfortable than he usually was when he slept over at these camps. An arm was wrapped loosely around him, and as he slowly opened his eyes he saw Kuroo looking at him, a gentle smile on the other man's face.

"Good morning, Kei," the other whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead and gently cupping his cheek. Kuroo's hand was warm against his skin, but not the sweaty type of warm, and Tsukishima felt like he'd have a good day simply because he woke up like that.

"Mornin'" he mumbled, still half asleep and tired since he'd only just woken up. He lifted his hand to gently run through Kuroo's hair, humming lightly as he stroked it. For a mop of bed hair, it was extremely soft and didn't have many tangles. He had wanted to see what it felt like for so long, and now he knew that it was soft as a kittens fur. He vaguely wondered if it smelt as nice as a Kuroo did, when said male chuckled softly. "Hm?"

"I thought you were adorable the other morning when you were tired, but this is so much better, Moonshine," he said. Tetsurou had a low, somewhat husky voice in the morning, but if that wasn't enough there happiness that was radiating from every word. Kei blushed softly and moved to pull away his hand, only for his boyfriend to whine softly and gently move it back to his hair. "No, I like it, it feels really nice. It's really cute watching your expression as well, it's really gentle."

He continued to blush softly, but ran his fingers through the older male's hair. It was nice, and it was peaceful. They'd obviously woken up earlier than everyone else (aside from Kenma who was playing on his phone with headphones on), so it was just the two of them. When Tsukishima was with Kuroo, nothing else really seemed to matter.

The two just lay there together, their legs intertwined just as their hearts were.

Kei's hand shifted down from stroking that soft, ebony hair, and before he knew it he was caressing the smooth, tan skin of Tetsurou's cheek. They both leant forward, and for the briefest of moments their lips touched, brushing against each other's. They looked into each other's eyes, and in a heartbeat they moved in for another kiss. It was soft and sweet and slow; passionate in its own right despite their being no lust. This was a kiss of love, even despite the fact that they would not yet realise they loved each other for a while.

Tsukishima was not an experienced kisser, having never been in a relationship. He'd never wanted to kiss anyone before, not before meeting the man in front of him. Kuroo wasn't much better, but he'd been in a few relationships before (none ever felt like this or lasted, mind you), and he wouldn't be lying if he said that this was by far the best kiss he'd had.

A few moments passed, and they pulled away for air. Kuroo was wearing this massive smile, looking at Tsukishima like he was the most amazing person in the world. Tsukishima could only look back, a small smile on his lips, though his eyes told much more than any smile ever could. The blond let out a happy sigh and curled up to Kuroo, resting his head on the other male's chest so he could hear his heartbeat. "Thank you, Tetsu," he murmured, nuzzling his chest gently and just enjoying their moment before other people woke up and they had to head to breakfast. "This morning has been so perfect. Whenever I'm with you, I don't feel like I need to put up barriers, or that I need to hide. You bring out a better side of me, one that wants to love and smile and laugh and live my life with you. I'm not usually the best at expressing my feelings in words, so don't expect me to say things like this often... but being with you like this is so easy and wonderful and I-"

Kuroo gently placed his finger on Tsukishima's lips and hummed softly, nodding in understanding. "I know, Moonshine, I feel it too. I feel exactly the same way, like a part of me that was missing is filled. I know you said you're not usually sappy, but I'm not usually either. I get on people's nerves, and most people only usually see me as a provocative asshole. I mean, I can be that way but it's not really who I am. I guess what I'm trying to say, is thank you for being just the way you are, Kei," he whispered, pressing a kiss to his head and moving his hand to be cupping the blond's cheek.

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