1 - 4 I Wish I was Yours

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The next day, Tsukishima was tired. Somehow Hinata had overheard the conversation and so spilled it to the group, and the next thing he knew was that everyone in the team knew he was gay, Suga and Daichi came out publicly, Nishinoya and Asahi confessed to each other, and it turned out practically their whole team liked their own gender to varying degrees. The whole group was chatting like middle school girls until the early hours of the morning, the two couples in the room snogging and cuddling, and while he was  grateful that they were all accepting at the same time he disliked having to listen to them. He usually took a long time to get to sleep anyways, which was why he went to bed early so that by the time he was asleep he was still getting enough. He just wanted a cup of proper coffee, a decent breakfast, and some sleep. That was all he asked for, was that too much?

Obviously not, because as he was moving to sit down with Yamaguchi, none other than Kuroo himself called out for him to come over. Of course, his best friend was unhelpfully a good wingman and 'assured him' it was okay to sit with them. By assured him, he practically forced him to go over there and threatened to tell their team who it was that he liked. Knowing that Hinata knowing who he liked would be a nightmare, he trudged over and sat down beside Kuroo.

"Bad sleep?" Akaashi asked, looking up from his homework. Gods, Tsukishima wished he had homework with him now. Bokuto wasn't pestering the second year like usual, and perhaps if he had some he could avoid any conversation with the loud, annoying people in the group.

"I guess you could say that. Our whole room was talking pretty much all night and by the time I finally got to sleep it was only a few hours until I had to get up since Nishinoya-san wakes up early and insists everyone else does too. What I wouldn't give for a proper cup of coffee and not the instant shit over there," he said, yawning and taking a bite of his food. He felt even less hungry because he was tired, so there wasn't much on his tray that he'd brought over. Not only that, his concentration wasn't great since he had Kuroo of all people next to him. He smelt even better now that he had showered, and briefly the thought of curling up in his arms passed his mind. He was sure Kuroo would be warm, and having those strong arms wrapped around him would be nice, too.

He'd been angry at Kuroo for what he said last night, but now all those feelings were gone and his heart was in control of his sleep deprived mind. He didn't even notice, but he'd been staring at Bokuto from across the table, his mind filling his vision with thoughts of the man with bed hair beside him. If he'd been more awake, he probably would have seen the jealous and concerned look on the Nekoma captains face. It wasn't until Kuroo rested the back of his hand on his that he snapped out of it, jumping in his seat and looking around in a dazed manner. "What?"

"Hm, you don't have a fever, so I don't think you're sick," he mumbled to himself, moving his hand away and standing up. "Come on, Tsukki, lets get you some proper coffee. It'll be no fun playing against you if you're like this," Kuroo said, taking the blond's hand and tugging it. "Besides, you're obviously not going to eat much and you need some sort of energy." He was too tired to even protest, and got up, allowing himself to be pulled in the direction of the teachers lounge. A part of himself vaguely registered that they were holding hands, and that part couldn't help but be happy since Kuroo's hand was big and warm and felt so nice holding his own.

He yawned once more, too tired to care that people had been looking when they left. He couldn't help but think of Kuroo, and was blatantly staring as he was dragged along. Once they got there he sat down on the floor, resting his head on the cabinets and closing his eyes. Later he would curse himself for letting his guard down, for letting Kuroo see him this way and for letting the other male baby him. It was frankly embarrassing, what a lack of sleep and a crush was doing to him, but he couldn't focus right now. Tsukishima instead found himself drifting off to sleep, vaguely aware of the sounds of a proper coffee machine in action. The sounds of beans being ground, and milk being heated and frothed.

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