2 - 1 You're mine and I wouldn't have it any other way

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Kuroo Tetsurou had liked Tsukishima Kei from the moment he saw him. Karasuno had stepped off that bus for their first practise match, and though there were a number of interesting characters, the one person that stood out the most was the tall blond who seemed to be ignoring absolutely everyone. He had been listening to music, not really seeming to care much or share the same excitement that everyone else on the team had. There was something simply alluring about him, that despite being distant and somewhat cold in personality he was also an important part of the team. Kuroo knew that if you got accustomed to shrimpy and let him take center stage, you'd be hit much harder when Tsukishima came back into play.

That was when he'd come up with the nickname 'Moonshine'. He was beautiful, he was intelligent, and despite his coldness (and almost loneliness) he was still a fundamental part of the team.

Still, there was something about the teen that he couldn't quite decipher. Kuroo didn't know what it was, but he certainly wanted to get closer to him so he could find out. He felt deeply confronted, because his feelings ran a lot deeper than a simple crush, more like a yearning or a longing. Dare he say it, it was like love at first sight. Unfortunately, just like how the moon always seemed so far out of reach, Tsukishima seemed out of reach for him. He could only watch and hope that some of that beautiful light would fall upon him, that Tsukishima would pay attention to him.

He was so desperate that he had smiled. Kuroo smirked, he had his sly grins, but unless he was with people he'd known for a very long time (Bokuto and Kenma) he didn't often truly smile. Tsukishima had made him smile, and then he had the gall to send him the middle finger.

Kuroo knew he was utterly screwed, because even despite the harsh gesture his heart was still pounding in his chest and butterflies were fluttering inside of him. Tsukishima, his stunning Moonshine, had noticed him. That was all that mattered and all that was on his mind, on repeat like his favourite song, except that song was a person and he couldn't get enough of him.

The weekend training camp couldn't come fast enough for Kuroo. He didn't care if they didn't talk properly, he just wanted to see him up close again. The way that he looked at him, wearing his normal sly grin, he hoped that it wouldn't cause too much suspicion. Kuroo couldn't keep his eyes off Tsukishima, and a volleyball game when they were on opposing sides of the court was much too good of an opportunity.

He hoped it wasn't too weird that he loved hearing every word that the blond uttered from those perfect lips, even if the majority of the time it was snide remarks or rude comments. Kuroo supposed Tsukishima was similar to himself in that regard. He may have a reputation as 'the scheming captain' and 'the master of provocation', but he never truly meant to upset or hurt people. The way that Tsukishima spoke those words, even despite the sneer he wore, there was no malice in his eyes. Kuroo felt hella was beginning to understand him just that little bit more, even if they didn't actually speak.

Kuroo wanted to speak with him, of course, but it was almost as if he was being avoided by the middle blocker and he didn't have any reason to talk to him. He didn't want to come off as weird or creepy, especially if he was getting signs that Tsukishima didn't want him around. Perhaps he had been overthinking things, but he was falling extremely hard for him, and his mind couldn't help but go into overdrive.

Hell, even Kenma noticed something was up and expressed his concerns. He had to assure him that he was okay and he just had a lot on his mind, and changed the topic to one of the games his setter had been playing recently. It's funny, he must have been hallucinating or imagining things as a result of his feelings, but Kuroo would have sworn he felt Tsukishima looking at him. When he looked over, the blond was gone, and Kuroo felt a little pang of hurt in his chest as he was once again reminded of the distance between the two of them.

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