1 - 2 I Wish I was Yours

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After that first practice game, was able to somewhat get over that little crush he had developed. As the saying goes, 'out of sight, out of mind'. It would surely be a different situation if Kuroo had gone to Karasuno and they saw each other daily, but since they had no way to be in contact or see each other Tsukishima could bury those feelings deep down inside.

The weekend training camp came far too quickly for his liking, and despite a part of Tsukishima longing to see Kuroo again, the other parts of him were annoyed with said feelings and wanted to continue to bury them. Nobody aside from Yamaguchi knew he was gay, and he didn't know how anyone would react to the news. His parents were the biggest worry; he could deal with annoying teenagers or people being assholes, but if his parents turned on him then he honestly didn't know what he would do.

Needless to say, he feared his sanity when their first match against Nekoma began and he wished Kageyama and Hinata were there to take the attention off of him. Sure, they had other middle blockers that weren't on their starting line up, but Tsukishima was the tallest and so stood out a lot. The way that Kuroo was looking at him, sly grin and an amused yet focused look in his eyes... it aggravated him enormously and made him want to yell at him to stop. Tsukishima never yelled.

Of course, there was also that other part of him that found Kuroo extremely attractive, and he wanted the older male's eyes to be on him. It was a wonder he was able to focus enough to keep playing at his usual standard, let alone keep an indifferent expression on his face. He had never been more grateful for a match to be over, or to see the two idiots show up and steal the show. Even so, he could tell Kuroo was still looking at him whenever he played. Tsukishima had already given up trying to create a reasonable explanation in his head.

Especially when after each match (when he snuck a glance at the other male) he saw the way Kuroo looked at his setter (Kenma, he learned from Hinata) and the way Kenma looked at Kuroo. It only reiterated the belief that he had deep down that Kuroo wouldn't like him. He was just a tall first year with a bitter personality and good grades that liked dinosaurs of all things. Not many good personality traits — not ones that he would let other people see at least — and not even much skill when it comes to volleyball. Meanwhile, this Kenma guy was intelligent on the court, well loved by his team even though he was antisocial, and good at games.

He hadn't even spoken a word to Kuroo aside from snide remarks from across the net when they were playing. As far as he knew, his crush thought he was an ass and probably would never want to talk to him, let alone be friends, or dare he say it — more than friends.

Don't get Tsukishima wrong, he could tell that Kuroo had a... unique... personality too. Even so, he could tell that deep down Kuroo was kind and looked out for his team and the people he cared for. He had good traits that he was willing to show around his friends, even if a lot of the time he was joking around. Tsukishima had hope that perhaps he might at least get to be somewhat friends with him, if the other was willing to see past the walls he put up.

That wouldn't be happening this trip, though, that much was certain. He was dead set on avoiding the male at all costs, so he didn't make things worse than they already were.

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