1 - 3 I Wish I was Yours

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The second training camp came not too long after the first. Once again Tsukishima had been planning to stay away from Kuroo at all costs, as not only would it reduce his chances of screwing up but also would help him to squash these feelings once and for all. The only place he couldn't ignore him was the court, but he found himself getting more adjusted to mentally blocking out thoughts of him during a game.

The first day was over fairly quickly, though it still seemed to drag on with practise games and laps doing flying receives. Everyone else in the team was planning on more practise, even Yamaguchi, but Tsukishima just didn't see the point. They had been practicing all day, there was no need to force themselves to practice more than that.

He was walking back to the area of the school where they would be staying, looking forward to having a nice warm bath and heading to sleep. For once he wasn't filled with thoughts about Kuroo, since the thoughts of a bath and relaxing his aching muscles were much nicer. He knew some people were still practising late at night, his own team were, so he didn't pay any mind to the people in the gym.

"Oi, Megane-kun! Come jump some blocks for us?" That familiar voice, he was pretty sure he could recognise it anywhere by this point. Now Tsukishima couldn't help but pay attention to the people in the gym, as he glanced over and saw that familiar bed hair — he couldn't help but think it looked soft and fluffy despite its odd style — and hair with black and white spikes.

He really didn't want to deal with Bokuto and Kuroo right now. The pair were obviously best friends, and it was clear from how they'd acted over the meal breaks that they were troublesome. 'Think about your bath, Kei. Bath. Bath. Bath. Kuroo.' "Shit." He swore under his breath, before plastering on a smile and waving his hand in a dismissive motion. "I'm finished for the night, my apologies. Now if you'll excuse me," he told them, looking away and trying to get the thought of Kuroo's legs out of his mind.

He'd not been paying attention to them earlier in the day, since he was trying to avoid these sorts of thoughts, but looking over now he could see how nice they were (well defined, long- and oh god the thighs) and frankly he was embarrassed that it had come to this.

He was just about ready to walk off again when he heard Bokuto speak up. "Come on, there's no point in spiking without blockers," he whined, causing Tsukishima to roll his eyes. It was stupid, why did they want him of all people. He wasn't that great, it would be much better to have someone from Nekoma or Fukurodani.

Glancing back at the two with a bored, slightly annoyed look, he let out a sigh. "Why does it have to be me. Why not someone from Fukurodani?" Don't get him wrong, a part of him really wanted to spend time with Kuroo, but not when he was with Bokuto. It was likely the two of them would just get up to mischief and he was afraid he would lose his sanity if it was just those two and him.

Luckily, he spotted Fukurodani's setter coming over, and he felt relieved that even if he did end up joining them he wouldn't be completely alone. He knew that the man (was it Akaashi?) was actually calm and responsible. "Bokuto's spiking practise is endless. Nobody in our team wants to deal with blocking since they'll be stuck here for a while, so they left to go to another gym."

Kuroo nodded in agreement and smirked, seeming to have come up with some sort of idea. Tsukishima hated that he found that smirk hot, and once again was having a minor internal gay panic. He managed to keep a straight face though, and listened to what he had to say. "You know, he may not look it, but Bokuto is one of the top five spikers. It would be good practise for you as a middle blocker," he said, giving him an innocent smile and shrugging. "Besides, I'm busy whipping this idiot into shape, otherwise I would be blocking for Bo. It's your choice, Megane-kun, but I'd consider it a compliment to your skills that someone of Bokuto's level finds you a worthy blocker."

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