3-1 I'm so glad I'm yours

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Tsukishima smiled at Kuroo, gently taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "So... I think we need to get going back to the main building. We haven't showered and it's getting late," he said quietly, glancing over at where they were staying that night. "I don't want to leave you, Tetsurou, not after everything we've just been through."

The confession had certainly been crazy, and he hadn't been expecting to have his feelings reciprocated by Kuroo. As much as he hated other people seeing him week, Tsukishima also didn't want to waste the time that they still had together before he had to leave, since it would be uncertain when they would next see each other.

Kuroo just smiled and kissed his cheek, causing the blond to blush and look away. "Neither do I, Kei. I mean, I need to bathe too, so we can both go do that. When we're done come along go Nekoma's room and you can stay with me for the night, if you're comfortable with that of course. I won't force you to if you'd prefer not to. Still, you're nice to hug, Moonshine, especially when you're sleepy. It's very cute."

Tsukishima's cheeks blushed darkly at his words, as he remembered the previous day when he'd curled up to Kuroo when he was tired. "I'm not exactly cute, though," he mumbled, not looking up. He wasn't upset, just extremely embarrassed since he'd never been in a relationship and didn't know how to act or what to do. It was nice, though, since he could tell that Kuroo was being honest and meant what he said. "But if it won't get us into too much trouble with the teachers, then I guess I wouldn't mind."

"It's fine, I've snuck into Bokuto and Akaashi's room, Fukurodani's room I mean, heaps of time and nobody has ever had a problem with it. Besides, I have a perfectly good reason to have you in my room, after all. Tonight and tomorrow night are the only time I'll have to be with my precious boyfriend since we're separated by distance," he said innocently with a grin, leading him in the direction of the building.

He continued to blush, of course, but his heart fluttered when he heard Kuroo say boyfriend. "God, you're turning me into a sap, Tetsurou," he mumbled, moving a little closer so that their shoulders brushed as they walked together. "We've been officially boyfriends for all of three minutes yet I have no problem with cuddling. You make me feel all these things and I can't help but trust you enough to let my guard down around you."

"You know, Kei, I feel special because you're able to trust me, and I trust you too. I don't go around taking special care of just anyone, you know. I make coffee all the time at work, of course, but I usually wouldn't go out of my way to sneak into the staff room and use the coffee machine, you know? But I just can't help wanting to look after you, or wanting to hug you and hold you close. I've never really let anyone else use my first name either, apart from my family. So it's like an us thing, I guess? It's nice though, being with you." He smiled softly at Tsukishima, and since they were getting closer to the building the blond could now see Kuroo's face clearer, and the soft blush on his cheeks.

His own cheeks had once again reddened, and he half-heartedly cursed his skin for being so pale since he just knew the blush would be clear as day. "I enjoy being with you too," he said softly, once again gently squeezing his hand, before sighing softly. "I guess this is where we part, but I'll see you soon. Maybe not, because Sugawara-san and Yamaguchi are probably going to try and interrogate me."

Kuroo wheezed and grinned, giving him a thumbs up with his free hand. "Good luck with that, Moonshine. Text me when you're finished showering and if I don't see you after a while I'll come rescue you," he said, continuing to laugh.

"I don't see how that's funny, Tetsurou," he said, allowing a soft chuckle to escape his lips at the sight of his boyfriend laughing.

"Okay, firstly, the idea of you being interrogated by those two people seems rather ridiculous. Secondly, I got you to laugh, so obviously it's somewhat funny, right?"

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