Chapter 3

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It was finally the day that the results were out. Nanami found her name on the board and was glad that she passed the test. Shibuya appeared and went to hug her friend.

"We did it! We both passed!" She exclaimed happily.

"That's great!" Nanami replied.

"What about Kotone?" Shibuya asked and they started to search for her name. And there! She was the top! She scored the highest among other composers!

"Are you serious?!" Both of them were shocked at her results.

"Nanami!" Both of them turned around and found Ittoki rushed up towards them.

"We did it! We did it, didn't we?!" Ittoki was overjoyed.

"Yes! And it's thanks to you, Ittoki-kun!"

"What are you talking about?! Your song was great, Nanami! Now I'm even more driven! I'm all fired up!" He exclaimed and put his hands up as if he had one a gold medal.

"Maybe a bit too much..." Shibuya said and they chuckled.

"What about Shimizu? How did she do it?" Ittoki asked. "Where is she by the way?"

"She scored the highest!" Nanami exclaimed.


"You're surprised to, right?! That's crazy." Shibuya said, not able to grasp the situation.

"No it's not."

The three of them turned around and saw the aquamarine girl, as usual with her mask on, walking towards them.



"That's amazing, Shimizu!" Ittoki said in surprise.

"It's nothing much, but thanks anyway."

"Kotone!! You're so cool!" Kurusu came to them and started to compliment the girl.

"I know. I'm awesome. I told you that I will help ace this test, didn't I?" Shimizu said while grinning at him through her mask.

"But that's just crazy!" Kurusu exclaimed and the rest of them nodded.

"Like I said, it's not." Shimizu was slowly starting to feel embarrassed from their compliments.

"Listen, everyone!" Tsukimiya clapped, getting the students attention. "For those who didn't pass, you'll retake the test next week!"

"This time, take the bull by the horns and do everything you can to pass." Hyuga continued.

"Before class, kids who are in the idol course, pick up the training materials at the office, okay?" Tsukimiya said and smiled.

After that, everyone slowly dispersed towards their own class.

"Kotone-chan! Good job!" Tsukimiya walked towards the group when he saw the aquamarine-haired girl.

"Thank you, Tsukimiya-sensei." She bowed politely to the two teachers.

"Your song was unbelievable. Keep up the good work, Shimizu." Hyuga told her.

"I know. You don't have to tell me that twice, Hyuga-sensei." Smirking at the teacher behind her mask, she left the group as her friends looked at her in shock.

"That girl is going to stress me out so much..." Hyuga let out an irritated sigh as his colleague patted his back.

"Don't worry about it. Kotone-chan is a good girl. I know it!" Tsukimiya consoled his friend and the two teachers left the area.

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