Chapter 37

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"Well, since you will be the first one to start this duet project, I'll help you with contacting Otori Eiji." Kato told Ichinose. The both of them along with Nanami were walking along the corridors of the Master Course.

"That will be helpful, Kotone."

"No prob." She searched through her contact list and found the contact.

Elsewhere, at the dorm of HEAVENS.

The seven of them were just doing their own things and since it was near lunchtime, Sumeragi was preparing lunch. Otori Eiji, who was sitting by the counter, saw his friend's phone vibrated and that there was someone calling him.

"Sumeragi-san, someone's calling you. 'Kato'...?" When Eiji muttered the name in confusion, the others were surprised at the sudden action of Sumeragi who immediately picked up the phone.


"Ki-chan! 'Sup!"

At the shout, Sumeragi had to move his phone away from his ear and grimaced at her loudness.


The rest of HEAVENS' members stopped what they were doing and focused on their friend instead.

"Ki-chan! I need a favour!"

"You didn't contact me since you've last seen me and you want to ask a favour from me now?"

As soon as Sumeragi spoke, the others widened their eyes as it was the first time hearing him speak such a long sentence.

"Aw, come on! Please? I'll treat you to something! Oh! We can hang out sometime! When are you free?"

The male sighed before continuing, "What do you need? I was busy preparing lunch."

"Oh? I want to taste your cooking! Make some for me!"

"Get to the point, Kato."


"Isn't that the girl we saw when we encountered STARISH the other day?"

Mikado and Eiichi conversed among themselves as the rest were confused. All they knew was that she would be the one to compose their song for the decisive concert.

"Mou! Fine! I need Otori Eiji's contact."

"Eiji's? Why?" Sumeragi turned towards the young Otori who blinked his eyes.

"You know! For the duet project, what else? Give me his contact so I can call him and we can arrange a meeting with Tokiya."

"Won't our agency do that? And will you be composing our duet project as well, Kato?"

The six of them were confused. First, the girl wanted Eiji's contact and now she will be composing their duet project as well?

"This will be interesting." said Eiichi as his glasses flashed.

"Well, I know our agency will do that. But this is easier! And to answer your question, that's for me to know and for you to find out!" Sumeragi could imagine his childhood friend winking at the other side of the call.

" *sigh* I'll ask."


With that, Sumeragi turned towards Eiji who tilted his head and sweatdropped.

"Eiji... Do you mind giving your contact?"

"Oh My God! Ki-chan! Is that how you ask your bandmate?! Sheesh! Pass him the phone! I'll ask him myself. Hmph!"

𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙜𝙮 - 𝙪𝙩𝙖𝙥𝙧𝙞 | 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙Where stories live. Discover now