Chapter 39

631 23 1

Just a little rant-


LESSON 36&37



ok, you can continue now😊

"Well, well, well. It's finally your turn, huh? Ren."

Jinguji and Kato were walking along the hallways of where they were going to discuss the duet project.

"Uh... Yeah."

"Hm? What's this? Aren't you excited?"

"I wouldn't say that..."



"If you say so... Oh, you met him yesterday, right? During the read-through."


You're acting weird...

"Did... Something happened yesterday?"

"Huh? No. What makes you say that?"

"Well, you're not like yourself."

"Haha. Sorry to have you worried, Lady."

Kato deadpanned at him.

Suddenly, Jinguji felt a sudden push.

"Hey! Jinguji Ren-chan! Good work yesterday! I look forward to working with you!"

"So do I."

"Pfft, 'Ren-chan'..."

"Ah! Ko-chan!" As soon as Kiryuin saw her, he scooped her up and started spinning her around like a little kid.

This obviously surprised and angered Jinguji.

"Argh! Put me down, Van!"


"I said put me down!!!" After Kato's whining, he finally put her down.


"We finally met again! I'm expecting a great song from you!"

"Of course."

Just then, Jinguji stood in front of Kato, "Little Rose always composes great songs."

He blinked before letting out a chuckle, "Really? I see."

When they entered the room, they started to discuss the song, starting with Jinguji.

"In the TV show, his character's concept is wind, and mine is fire. Why don't we incorporate that into the duet project? We can start with two contrasting melodies that gradually come together."

Kato didn't write anything as she was having second thoughts.

"Sounds like what everyone would expect." Kiryuin said with a bored tone, which made the other two turn towards him.

"Then what's your idea, Van?" Kato asked, interested in his answer.

"Let's have a real adventure with some big surprises!" He put his hands up in the air as he stood up from his seat. Let's give them good from the start and raise the intensity from there."

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