4~ the new team.

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Third person PoV


Once the team had fully introduced themselves, they proceeded with practice, their new little coach observing them all closely and adding further to her notes. The team were a little shocked about the new member, they can't say they were expecting it. Apart from her two in class friends, they had no idea about this.

"Hey, Kageyama! Why do you think she cut Takeda-sensei off when he was talking about her old team?" Hinata whispered to his setter.

"How am I supposed to know dumbass? Maybe something happened with her old one?"

"None of that matters." The captain scolded them as he approached the two whispering, "She's here to help us. She's believed to be one of the best young coaches."

"Uh.. right!"

Throughout the practice, Kai couldn't help but feel nervous as well as excited. Only time would be able to tell how working with the team will go, and if she'll even be useful to them. But at the same time, there seemed to be a permanent smile stuck to her face. She was happy that she had said yes and was excited to see what the team is like.


"I'm home!" Kai called out as she walked in through her front door. The sun had set and she had collected multiple pages of data on the new team.

"Hey kiddo! We're in the kitchen." Her paps called out.

"Evening." She smiled as she walked in to see her dads and brother at the table, getting ready to eat.

"What brings you back so late?" Her brother crossed his arms playfully as she sat beside him.

"You already know, I asked you for advice about it yesterday." She punched his arm, "I was with my new team." She smirked.

"So you said yes?" They all smiled.

"You make it sound like I got proposed to or something, but yes."

"I'm glad. Maybe their reputation as the 'wingless crows' will change now." Vinny said.

"Who knows..." She shrugged, "oh! Before I forget, I don't suppose we still have that old tablet do we? That one I used to collect data on?"

"I think we do..." Her dad said as he set out the dinner.

"We do." Their paps nodded, "I found it when unpacking yesterday. I'll grab it for you when we've eaten."

"Cool..." the happy girl nodded, "thanks!"

"Here it is, charger too." Their paps handed his daughter the tablet.

"Awesome, thank you! I'm going to head up and get things sorted on here."  She nodded, holding the tablet to her chest.

"Make sure you get some sleep though." He ruffled her hair and she nodded before running off into her room.

Once she was in her room, she quickly changed out of her uniform and into a pair of black sports shorts and a white shirt. She plugged in the tablet at her desk, allowing it to charge and grabbed her headphones before sitting down. After plugging them in and starting her music, she turned on the tablet and waited for it to load.

Kai's PoV

"Come on..." I groaned as I waited for the device to load. It's not been used for months now, there's no guarantee that it'll even work. I guess I just have to hope for the best.

After a few more minutes of waiting, it finally loaded. I quickly unlocked it and opened up the app where I stored all my data.

Once the app had opened, my heart sunk a little. My eyes were met with a picture of me and the basketball team from Teiko. Followed by that, there was an individual tab for each of the players. Each one had their stats as well as multiple notes on their plays and improvements. All 6 of them, 7 actually... even Momoi added her own little tab.

I stared at it for a while before choosing what to do.

I held down on the folder and waited for my options to come up. My eyes scanned over all of the choices until I found what I needed.

'Delete folder?"

I nodded to reassure myself and pressed the button...

"I can't do it..." I muttered before my finger hit the screen.

I can't get rid of it. It's not like they were always the way they are now. We all used to be so close, it was like nothing could break them... us, apart. The near 3 years of memories all saved in here. It's not just their play data either... They used to steal this tablet all the time and leave their own notes and pictures in here. It's full of them. If I delete it, that's all gone. I can't. Things changed but I still want to keep these.

What's weirder is, I've gone months without thinking about them. There wasn't a reason to. But now it's all coming back. Great brain, what are you trying to do?

I quickly made a new file and saved the folder away so I had space for the new things.

"Afternoon guys!" I smiled as I walked into the gym after school.

"Ah hey Yamamura." Daichi waved and I nodded.

Then I spotted the coach and made my way over to him.

"Hey kid. You ready to help coach then?"

"Mhm. I actually wanted to show you this quickly." I said, showing him the tablet.

"Oh?" He asked and I turned it on, loading up the data.

The screen showed a title of 'Karasuno High'. All of the players were listed in a column down the left. Beside those, there was the basic information such as their position, number, age, height and weight. At the end on the column on the right of the screen was the arrow to view the rest of the data on each individual player.

I held the tablet out and the coach took it, taking a look through it all.

"I sorted this last night. It has all the players and the basic information on them on the main screen. If you click on the arrows at the end of a players row, it'll take you to the rest of their data. I was able to meet with Takeda-Sensei at lunch earlier and he gave me the rest of the necessary information for their health, such as height, weight, blood type."

He was silent for a while as he looked through it all and hummed to himself.

"I mainly use the data to help improve the members skills and plays, but it can also be used to help with game plans. If necessary at any point, I can grab data for opposing teams if you need it."

"You certainly are gifted with the whole coaching thing, aren't you?"

"Oh uh... I've been doing it for a few years. I used to help out my family with their data so i've had plenty of time to learn." I ran a hand through my hair.

"Four eyes got us a good one..." he muttered as he handed back the tablet. "If there's anything that needs to be changed during practice, let me know and I'll make it known."

"Okay... as long as I can talk to the players after practice or pull some out individually to talk to them about things at any point, that will be enough." I nodded with a smile.

"Everyone!" Takeda called the team over once they had finished stretching, "This weekend, we have our training camp. From Friday to Sunday, we'll be sleeping there and training hard. Then on the Tuesday, we have our practice game against Nekoma. Make sure you're all prepared."

Huh... a training camp?

"Ah right. Yamamura, I forgot to mention that. What are the chances you'll be able to make it? You'd stay with Kiyoko in the evenings." The coach asked.

"I should be able to make it." I nodded with a smile.

"Great!" Yamaguchi smiled.

"Well then, this can also be a chance to get to know your new little coach some more." Takeda said and they all nodded with a smile.

"Sounds good!" Daichi nodded.

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