7~ who are they?

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Third person


Once Kai had left the room and headed to the baths, the boys all gathered around, taking it in turns to go through the tablet.

"How has she got all of this? Its so detailed!" Hinata asked.

"She has good observation skills." Yamaguchi said, "I've noticed that when talking to her."

"She also isn't a dumbass like you guys." Tsukishima smirked.

"HEY!" Kageyama and Hinata yelled simultaneously.

"She got help from Takeda to access health data but the rest is pure observation." Daichi said.

"She has notes on each individual player..."

"Thats what a good coach does though, right?" Sugawara said and they all nodded.

Soon Tanaka held the tablet, him and Noya looking through it together before something caught their eye.

"This isn't us..." He opened up a file, his curiosity getting to him.

"What are you guys on about?" Daichi sighed.

"HUH! IS THIS HER OLD TEAM?!" Tanaka shouted, everyone becoming suddenly intrigued.

"You weren't snooping around on there were you!"

"NO! It was just on the screen in a folder. It's untitled too." He put the tablet on the floor so everyone could see.

On the screen was a photo of the Teiko basketball team, and there was Kai, on the shoulders of one of the players.

"Oh... I guess it is her old team then." Yamaguchi said.

"She's never said anything about them has she? All she ever said was how she quit a few months ago." Kageyama asked.

"No, she hasn't talked about them." Yamaguchi shook his head.

"She looks real happy in the photo. Why would she quit?"

"Maybe an injury?"

"Or problems with the team."

"Lets look at their data." Tanaka said, opening up to the players names.

"Just a team of 5?" Tanaka asked.

"There would of had to be more on the bench. Plus, there was a 6th dude in the picture, then that other girl." Kageyama replied.

"Oh, yeah. Look, there's another profile on here."

"Lets look at them!" Noya said, opening up the first one. There was a picture of a boy with striking blonde hair, his eyes closed as a cheesy grin was plastered on his face, a peace sign on one hand, using the other to take the selfie. "Kise Ryota: Small forward, 6'2... special talent, perfect copy?" He read out.

"Then there's Midorima Shintaro." A picture of a boy holding up a cat keychain, his fingers wrapped, appeared, "Shooting guard, 6'5, special talent - high projectile 3."

"Murasakibara Atsushi." The picture showed a boy with long purple hair, mouth full of sweet, "Centre... 6'10!!!" Hinata yelled, "He's a giant!"

"Does he have a special talent like the others?"

"Oh.. yeah, special talent - Defence and power."

"Akashi Seijuro. Point guard and captain, 5'8. Talent - emperor eye and perfect rhythmed plays."

"Whats with all the talents? Is this a basketball things?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Woah, look at the last note left on his profile... 'My orders are absolute.'" Sugawara read out.

"So big headed..." Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

"Oh, next is Aomime Daiki. Power forward, 6'4, special talent - speed and agility. One of his quotes is something about being a light for someone? What the hell does that mean?" Tanaka questioned, "His last note, 'the only person who can beat me is me."

"There's that girl on there too... Satsuki Momoi. She was their manager? Looks like she was pretty good at handling data as well, it says she used to collect it for opposing teams to get their weaknesses and game plans." Ennoshita read.

"I want to see the last dude!"

"Kuroko Tetsuya, position unknown? 5'6, special ability is misdirection, ignite pass too." Sugawara read out.

"Look at this note..." Hinata said reading it out, " 'I am a supporting actor, a shadow. But a shadow will become darker if the light is stronger and it will make the white light stand out...' "

"I guess that makes that Aomine dude's line make more sense but I still don't get it..."

"Maybe its a basketball thing." Kageyama shrugged.

"Not exactly. It's a Kuroko thing." A voice scared the boys from the door. They suddenly became worried about them getting told off for going through other things on the tablet.

"Y-Yamamura..." Tanaka said, holding the tablet behind his back.

"I already know you have the tablet." She laughed, "I heard you guys reading it out." She leant against the door.

"We're sorry, Tanaka found it and the curiosity got the best of us. We shouldn't have gone through your things without permission." Daichi apologised for them all. Kai simply gave them a small smile and shook her head.

"Well, now you know that's the school I used to coach for." She walked over to them, "Teiko middle school, those guys are known as the generation of miracles."

"Oh! So this is them? I've heard the name before but I didn't know anything about them." Sugawara said.

"Right... but I thought there were only 5 members." Daichi asked.

"Technically, yes... but there was owho's known as the phantom 6th member." She explained, "That was Kuroko."

"You guys were pretty close huh?" Sugawara asked.

"We were, it's a long story though." She laughed awkwardly.

"I see... we wont bother you about it anymore then." Daichi nodded and handed her the tablet, "It's getting late. We should all get to bed, hard work again tomorrow!"

"You got it!"


Kai's PoV


"Urgh..." I groaned as I woke myself up. After leaving the boys last night, I more or less fell asleep straight away.

I got up from my futon and made it before taking my phone and checking the time.

Great... its only 5. The boys aren't supposed to wake up until 7, Takeda said he'd be up at 6 and come down to help with food. Kiyoko told me she'd come back at 6 too so we could start food. I've offered to help out with the cooking now to make things easier for the two.

I walked over to my bag and grabbed some clothes. I took a pair of black tracksuit bottoms and a plain white t-shirt before throwing it on. I slipped my slippers back on and took my phone with me. I slid open my door and looked around at the empty halls before walking out. I walked down to the ground floor and went to a vending machine before getting, myself an iced coffee. I took it and walked down the hall and towards the kitchen and small dining room before opening up the doors. I sat down on a stall at the kitchen counter and opened my drink as I looked through my phone.

New bookface notification (Not a rip off at all-)

- Friend request, Kagami Taiga.

1 mutual friend - Kuroko Tetsuya.

I stared at the screen, contemplating where of not to accept. Eh, why not... I accepted the request and left the app.


"Good morning Yamamura." Kiyoko greeted me as she walked in.

"Morning Kiyoko!" I smiled and hopped off of the stall, throwing away my can.

"You guys ready to start cooking?" Takeda asked as he walked in. The two of us nodded and we got straight into it.


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