26~ just wanna go home

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"This isn't happening." I muttered as I stood beside Takeda, everyone else looking out the large window at the Limo blocking our way out.

"I'll go ask them to move." Coach said.

"No no..." I shook my head as someone stepped out of the drivers side, my heart stopping at the recognition of who it was.


"I just want to go home..." I sighed before rubbing my face.

"What is going on?!" Coach asked.

"I bet you anything that Akashi is sitting in that limo." I said walking to the door, "that's his god damn butler or what ever that just got out. I'm sorry guys, this is my bad. I'll get him to move." I said, the door sliding open and me slipping out before they could stop me.

I quickly walked over to the where the old man was standing, bowing respectfully to me.

"Grey! Don't bow to me, you know I've always hated those formalities." I gave him a small smile.

Mr Greyson. The Akashi family's 'young masters' butler if you will.

I've always called him Grey though.

"It's good to see you, Kai."

"Listen... please explain. I'm pretty sure everyone in this coach wants to go home and rest. Would you mind moving? ...Please?" I asked.

"I will... I just, need to pass on a message."

I huffed, closing my eyes and nodding.

"My young master wishes for you to join us at the mansion for a talk. We will have an arrangement for your safe return home." He said, slowly opening the door of the limo and signalling for me to enter.

I know for a fact that bastard is sitting in the back too.

"I'm sorry that your 'young master' is making you run around and pass all these messages for him. But I have to refuse. Make sure to tell him that unless he can get on his own two feet and stop being such a spoiled dick in a situation like this, I want nothing to do with him. He should be able to come to me on his own accords and without having to pull this stuff. Truth be told, after what I found out this week I don't want to face him anyway but he clearly hasn't changed again." I said bluntly.

It hurt. It hurt to say all that. I miss him, I really do. But I miss the old him, the him that cared about me... my childhood friend. Not some heartless prick that he's making himself out to be.

"I understand. I'm sure he'll hear the message." He said with a sly smile, clearly realising what I did.

"Thank you. I should head back now, I'll see you soon Grey." I waved before turning back to the coach.

I heard the sound of the door closing as I began to walk off but as soon as it was about to slam shut, it didn't. Instead it stopped and I froze at the sound of someone stepping out.

"Seriously?" His voice brought me back.

"You heard what I said. Please leave."

"You won't even look at me?"

"No. No I won't." Because if I do, I know that I'll break. "I don't even want to talk to you."

"Be reasonable. I've invited you to talk."

"Yes. But you've made it seem like some kind of business, or some sort of chore! I don't have it in me to talk to you right now so please... leave." Me voice was shaky, eyes closed so I couldn't see the others looking at me through the window of the coach.


"Goodbye, Sei-chan." I said, walking off to the coach.

I walked in through the door that remained open before looking up at the group that had been watching. Since the door and windows were open, and they're all stood in silence, i think it's safe to assume they heard all that.

"Sorry about that guys." I gave them a smile, "they should be moving now."

"Yamamura... are you okay?" Sugawara asked.

I tried to reply with a yes, but my throat close up. Instead, I just nodded with a smile.

"The limo's gone. You should all head back to your seats now." The coach said.

Crap... now the atmosphere's all tense. I messed up, I've made everyone feel awkward.

"Yamamura, sit next to me." Suga said, patting the seat beside him after talking to Daichi.

"Hm? Oh... are you sure?" I asked, walking toward the back.

"Mhm." He nodded with a smile, scooting our so I could have the window seat.

I smiled and thanked him, before scooting into the seat.

We began moving again and the small silence was filled with everyone's own little conversations. I'm the meantime, I kept looking out the window trying not to make what happened worse by thinking about it.

"It's a long drive back, what happened's clearly still on your mind. Why don't you have a little nap or something?" Suga suggested.

"Ah... hm." I nodded, "I'll probably try and have a little nap." I agreed.

"Come come, let me be Sugamama then." He said with a warm smile. He had a little blanket folded on his lap like a small pillow and scooted over a little. I gave a small chuckle, his actions cheering me up.

"What a great mum." I smiled before curling up and resting my head on his lap.

"You bet I am." He said, "Stress, begone!" He gave me a light tap on the head, making me laugh again.

"Nap time." He said again, running his hands through my hair to try and calm me some more.

Third Person PoV

"Look at Suga being the best mum going." Tanaka said as they spotted Kai sleeping peacefully after a few minutes.

"Then miracle pricks really need to learn to be respectful." Noya hissed.

"True... but what happened then must have been tougher than she's showing." Daichi said.


"Remember when we watched her and Kise play a practice match?"

"Oh right... he said something about her and Akashi being childhood friends." Hinata replied.

As the boys discussed about the sleepy girl and their worries, the coach thought to himself, just as worried about his mini coach.

"Four eyes, give me your phone." He said. Takeda agreed and once Ukai had taken it, he proceeded to search through until he found what he was looking for.

He copied the number he was looking at on the screen onto his own phone, saving the contact and handing the borrowed phone back.

After a short while, the kids in the back had all drifted off into their own sleep and he used this time to call the newly created contact.

After three rings, the voice on the other end answered. "Ah, hello?"

"Mr Yamamura."

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