12~ first round.

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Kai's PoV

"TODAYS THE DAY!" I cheered as I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"M-morning..." my dad said, taken aback by the sudden outburst.

"Someone's exited." My paps laughed.

"Preliminaries start today... it'll be their first official match. The only match I've seen them play was against Nekoma but we lost two sets to them. THAT WONT HAPPEN TODAY!"

"HOW ARE YOU SO LIVELY IN THE MORNING!" Vinny yelled as he walked into the kitchen.

"Blehhh." I stuck my tongue out at him.


"Here. Take your lunch. I know you're eager to leave so we won't hold you back." My papa handed me my lunch and gave me a kiss on the head.

"Thanks!" I smiled, my dad ruffled my hair before sitting down.

"Good luck today. Stay safe." He said.

"Hm. Guess I'll see you there. I'm supposed to be going to cheer my friend on." Vinny said.

"Oh oh, I see. Right." I nodded before running off, "SEE YOU LATER!" I yelled before changing my shoes and running out of the door.


"Here we are..." I said with a smile as I stepped off of the coach.

We all walked over towards the entrance when a few voices caught our attention.

"Oh... Karasuno."

"Weren't they real tough a few years ago?"

"Yeah, a few years ago? Now they've earned themselves a totally lame nickname."

"Really? What is it?"

"If I remember correctly... it's the 'fallen champs' or the 'wingless crows'."

At this point, all of us were stood behind them silently. The boys had angry and pissed off looks etched on their faces and they looked down at the two bigs gloomily.

"Wingless... what's that again?" Tanaka sis as he popped in between the two.

"Oi, let's go." Daichi said as he pulled him away by the collar and dragged him back.

As we all walked along inside, all the bits were off in their own worlds. Noya and Tanaka were protecting Kiyoko, Asahi was being downed by other teams calling him scary, Kageyama was being dubbed king again. It was all over the place.

"Oi!" A voice said as we stoped walking. I was at the back of the group and ended up walking straight into Tsukishima as we stopped.

"Ah sorry." I muttered and he shook his head.

"What have you done with my sister." He said.

"Eh?" They all muttered.

"Kiyoko? You have a brother?" Tanaka asked.

"No..." she shook her head.

"I'm sorry... but who are you?" Daichi asked.

"I'm Rhys Yamamura."


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" I yelled as I ran out in front of the confused team.

"There's my sis! These boys didn't hurt you whilst I was gone did they?" He pouted.

"Will you shut up you dumbass." I huffed.

"Come on. You really thought I wouldn't be here? I've come to support my school." He smiled.

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