32~ detective birdies + kitties.

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Kai's PoV

"..." I walked into the cafeteria after my talk with the coach. I made sure to drop a message to my brothers and dads and assure them I was doing okay. Now to face the music here~ I mean the coach said the boys have talked to the others about not making a big deal but still. "Hey guys." I said awkwardly as I sat in the spare seat between Sugawara and Tsukishima.

"Yamamura!" Sugawara smiled.

"I'm so sorry again..." I groaned as I laid across the table.

"... classic Yamamura~" sugawara teased, patting my head as I lay on the table.

"Always apologising." Daichi added.

"For things that aren't her fault." Asahi continued.

A smile came to my face as I slowly lifted up, looking at the boys. They had calm and assuring smiles on their faces, calming me down more already.

"Hah... thanks guys." I smiled at them.

There was another brief silence before Yamaguchi asked, "Do you want to talk about anything?" Nervously.

"Well..." I began, "i guess you guys saw the tweet?"

They all nodded slowly, looking around.

"Well, that much is true... I guess you guys could assume that by the way I ran off." I rubbed the back of my head.

"Is everything okay now?" Daichi asked, "I mean, are you-"

"No no, my parents found out and I got some help. Just before I came to Karasuno actually I was doing better." I shook my head.

"Well I'm glad to hear." He nodded with a smile.

"If anything ever gets too much though, or you don't feel the greatest, you can always talk to us." Sugawara put a hand on my shoulder.

"Hm." I heard Tsukishima, who I assume was agreeing? What a secret sweetheart.

"I mean, there is something I should say now though. Remember what you guys were asking before everything happened then?"


"Oh! What it was that captain of the miracles found out before doing what he did." Hinata answered, the others suddenly remembering.

"Wait, you're not saying that's what he found out?" Tsukishima narrowed his eyes.

"Hm..." I nodded, all the boys faces turning. "I had gone to his place, I don't even remember what we were talking about but I just broke down and he found out."

"What? So he was a prick to you then!?" Tanaka boomed.

"No no!" I waved my hands, shushing him along with Ennoshita, "no. He helped me out then, calmed me down and everything. He wasn't directly a prick to me about it afterwards but that's when the harshness from the team started. Like I said, I found out from Midorima that the same time he found that out was when he told the boys to do what they did."

"But why wo-"

"What's wrong with hi-"

"I don't know. That's what I want to know but it's not like I can just go and ask him." I sighed, cutting the boys off from breaking into an uproar.

"I understand even more now why you didn't even want to give him the time of day last time we were here." Ennoshita said.

"That jerk." Hinata pouted.

"So... at the point he found out, had he already changed?" Kageyama asked.

"Ah, yeah. He had. Now that I think about it, I was confronting him about it at the time."

"So he changed personality, you confronted him and he found out, leading to everything else." Suga tried to sum it up.

"Yes... but no?" I rubbed my face, "he didn't change his personality. He became a completely different person."

"What? So he ISNT Akashi anymore?" Tanaka asked, Ennoshita calling him a dumbass.

"No... he is still Akashi, but not how he used to be. The best way I can think to describe it would be... Hm well imagine you have a devil and an angel on your shoulder right? He always had the angel calling the shots and that was him, the one everyone knew and loved. The one I grew up with. Then there's the Devil on the other shoulder, never called any shots unless something real bad kicked off. Then all of a sudden, during a game, the devil took over and called all the shots. That's also where this 'emperor eye' skill became a thing. Everyone saw the change. We felt it. It didn't seem to faze him what so ever though. He just became harsher and more obsessed with power." I explained the best I could.

"I see..." Suga said.

"I think I understand now..." Daichi nodded, thinking to himself.

"You said you grew up together then? That must have been hardest for you." Kiyoko said.

"Well it wasn't easy. Once that had happened, it felt like we had never been friends. I felt like I was just their coach and nothing more. If he had some more decency about himself, I'd have given him the time of day but... unless he feels like him old self again, it won't be easy. He'll make it seem like a chore-"

"RIGHT KIDS! ENOUGH CHIT CHAT, GO GET CLEANED UP AND READY FOR BED!" The coaches began yelling and ushering us all out.

"Guess that's cutting out conversation short... that prick-"

Third person

"GATHER UP YOU CROWS!" Suga exclaimed as they all gathered in their room, ready for bed.

"Eh...?" Some of them groaned, most just going along with what he said and gathering around him.

"Shh! You idiot, the coaches will hear you-" someone hissed from outside the door before a few knocks sounded.

"Come in-" Suga said, the door sliding open, revealing Bokuto being dragged in with Akaashi's hand over his mouth.

"You made it~" Suga cheered.

"We're here too." Kuroo stated as he and Kenma walked in cautiously, shutting the door slowly.

"W-What the hell is going on Suga?" Daichi asked.

"Detective time!" He clapped just hands together.

"H-huh?" The team muttered.

"Sugawara asked us to come, well he told us what was going on and we asked to come." Akaashi explained.

"Yeah. He said something about wanting to find out more about Yamamura's old team and that captain." Kuroo added.

"Detective time! The crows, hoot hoot's and Kit Kat's have assembled to- OW!" Bokuto was cut off when Akaashi stepped on his foot.

"Calm down or the coaches with kick out asses."

"Well. I guess there's no harm in trying~" Daichi said.

"It could work?" Asahi agreed unsurely.

"I'm too tired." Tsukishima groaned before flopping down on his futon.

"Tsk. So grouchy." Bokuto said as he sat down with a thud.

"So he's harsh even towards his friends."

"Thought you would have cared about her."


"Tsuki already knows a lot about them." Yamaguchi said.


"Yeah. He looked into them not that long ago, he asked me to help."

"You sly bastard!" Tanaka jabbed Tsukishima in the hips.

"Yamaguchi!" He hissed in annoyance.

"G-Gomen Tsuki!"

"Well, you gotta start talking." Kuroo hoisted him into a sitting position.

"Tsk- Fine."

GUYS I'M SO SORRY I MISSED POSTING! I've just come back from a small family get away and couldn't really focus on writing, I wrote this on the journey back and just finished it so I hope it's not too bad! Haven't had time to check and edit any mistakes~

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