brave: commander cody

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Jedi Knight (Y/n) (L/n) had the heart of a lion. She was strong, fierce, and a natural leader. The only con that came with this was that she was brave, maybe a little too brave. When she saw a fellow comrade in arms facing life-threatening danger, it became a habit for her to jump in front of said comrade and take the blow. In Boil's words, 'She risks her life like it's the number one trend'.

Cody couldn't agree more.

Although he hated this aspect of (Y/n) which reminded him suspiciously of Skywalker, he saw a sort of charm in her. She was beautiful for one, and a great leader. She was also prized among the clones as a compassionate Jedi.

Cody also knew better than to worry about (Y/n). Why should he waste his time thinking about her when she was a capable Jedi Knight? That's what he tried to tell himself as he caught sight of her racing through the smoky battlefield. (Y/n)'s braids swayed with each step she took while her (colour) lightsaber hissed and illuminated a path through the dense forest.

Although she was covered in layers of dirt and sweat, she was still the most beautiful person in the galaxy. The sun had long set, leaving the 212th and 305th in complete darkness. The moon above lay hidden in thick clouds, so not a single star was able to light their way.

From what Cody could see, their ranks would soon be surrounded if they didn't up and move quick enough. As (Y/n) diced droids to bits, he took it upon himself to lead his brothers to safety. Cody ran through the brush, shoving sticks and droids out of his way. He tapped a button on the side of his helmet. "General, we have to get moving. General Kenobi will be waiting for us in the captured base." There was a beat of silence. It only grew as Cody continued his trek through the greenery. He tapped a button on the side of his helmet again. "General?" No response.

That was when Cody realised the absence of (Y/n)'s (colour) lightsaber. He scanned the surroundings, catching sight of a certain Jedi running straight towards a canon. She stooped low as if to prepare a strike, but just as she raised her hands, a fierce 'BOOM!' ripped through the battlefield. The bright colours of red and yellow left everyone blinded for moments. It was suddenly scorching hot in the forest as small fires crackled and popped.

Cody faltered in his step, nearly crashing into Waxer.

"Sir? Is everything alright?"

"Where is General (L/n)?" Cody inquired. Waxer turned to Boil as if that'd answer Cody's question. Boil shrugged and Cody pursed his lips. Turning to the 305th's Commander, he said, "Get the men through the mountain pass and out of enemy fire. I'll go look for the General and meet you at the rendezvous point. Waxer, Boil, come with me."

"Sir yes sir!"

The trio wandered through the dark forest. Dying embers lit a path through piles of corpses and droid parts. What was left of the wildlife sent the clones disapproving glares, as if to say it was their fault for the skirmish. "I really don't like this place. Gives me the creeps." Waxer muttered. Boil rolled his eyes. "Want me to hold your hand?"

Cody ignored the banter. His energy was focused on one goal: finding (Y/n). Knowing her, she'd likely be perfectly fine or terribly injured. Cody liked to think the former. A few droids wandered towards the trio. "Blast 'em!"

Waxer and Boil were quick to react. They whipped out their blasters and shot the hunks of metal down. "I'm surprised those are the only ones here." Waxer said. Boil motioned for him to follow Cody up a hill. "Don't jinx it."

Luckily for them, Waxer did not jinx them.

It didn't take long for the clones to find the General. She lay on her side, sputtering and clutching her abdomen. Cody's breath hitched. He didn't even have time to think as he sprinted to her side, all he could process was the amount of blood gushing from her side and the bits of shrapnel sticking out of her wound. (Y/n) forced a smile. "Cody...Waxer, Boil," she coughed. "You...found me."

Cody was not in the least pleased. He was angry--no, absolutely livid. How could (Y/n) be so brave yet utterly stupid? "Sir," Boil said, "I called for a medic." Cody nodded in thanks. "Good work, Boil."

"Cody." He looked at (Y/n)'s dull hues. "Sir?"

"My head hurts." she said with a strained chuckle. Cody gently patted her shoulder. "Hang in there, a medic's on the way." When (Y/n) awoke, she expected to be met face-to-face with Obi-wan or her clone Commander Henry. They'd give her the lecture of her life, ask her what she was thinking, and then give her a hug. Instead, (Y/n) was met with a silence that left her ears ringing.

She wasn't sure why, but it left her in worry that ate at her stomach like acid. There was a short chuckle to her left. (Y/n) sensed who it was before she looked. "Henry?" Her clone Commander offered a hearty grin in reply. "I see you've gotten yourself hurt again. Did you charge towards that canon?" (Y/n) laid her back against the wall. When she was about to reply, a new voice cut in.

"Unfortunately, yes." Cody curtly answered. His helmet was wedged between his right arm and hip as he marched straight to (Y/n)'s bedside. The glowering clone didn't bother to take a seat, which only seemed to cause (Y/n)'s heart rate to jump. She reached out into the Force and felt a swirl of emotions from the man. Anger, irritation, worry, and...something else she couldn't quite understand.

Henry, as if sensing danger, flopped on his side and pretended to be asleep. (Y/n) turned to Cody, wincing slightly when she disturbed her wound. "Hi Cody. Is something...wrong?"

Cody snapped.

"'Is something wrong'?" His voice had gone up an octave. "For your information General—not to be disrespectful—but you almost died out there! If I hadn't found you, you'd be bleeding to death. What were you thinking when you charged straight into the crossfire? That you'd be lucky like all those other times?" (Y/n) sat there in slight awe. Cody was usually the level-headed one. He wouldn't raise his voice at (Y/n) no matter what she did, he wouldn't tell her off like Obi-wan would, and he wouldn't lecture her like everyone else she knew.

This was a side of him she had yet to see till today. Cody's brows knitted. He wasn't angry anymore, he was distressed. "Why do you always do things like that General? were about to die and—" he cut himself short and curled his fingers into a tight fist. (Y/n) reached out into the Force once again, but even if she weren't a Jedi, she'd understand his emotions. There was a long silence. For moments, it was just (Y/n), Cody, and the Force.

"I'm sorry for giving you a scare." (Y/n) finally said. Cody forced back a tight-lipped frown. "G-General..." Cody didn't know what to say. His anger diminished, only to replace itself with an intense feeling of protectiveness towards (Y/n). He didn't want to lose her like a large portion of his brothers. He didn't want to see her in pain or bleeding out like that every again.

"(Y/n). You can call me (Y/n), Cody. We're...friends." That last word stuck in (Y/n)'s throat. Cody, on the other hand, felt like he'd been stabbed. Friends. That was all they could ever be, yet both longed for something more. "(Y/n)," Cody shyly said, "I know I don't look like it, but I care a lot about you. As...more than on a professional level." What was Cody saying? "So, excuse me if I—"

"I like you too Cody." (Y/n) smiled. "On more than a professional level." Cody's heart rate sped up. He cast Henry a glance, causing (Y/n)'s eyes to sparkle. "Henry wouldn't tell. He actually told me you like me."

"No I didn't!" Henry exclaimed. This elicited small chuckles from Cody and (Y/n). It was stopped short when the latter winced. Cody slid into the seat by (Y/n)'s bedside and took her hand. Giving it a squeeze he said, "Please don't scare me like that ever again. I don't know what I'd do if I were to lose you." (Y/n) planted her lips on Cody's. It was short yet filled with unconditional love, causing butterflies to leap in Cody's stomach.

Henry turned on his side to watch the two, when Cody's gaze met his, he only pointed to the doorway, where General Kenobi stood, arms crossed and brows raised. "May I ask what's going on here?" Kenobi questioned. Cody and (Y/n) pulled away so fast that if one had blinked, they'd think it were their imagination the two were kissing moments ago. (Y/n) offered a forced smile. "Nothing's going on here Obi-wan."

"Yes sir. N-nothing is going on." Cody agreed. Obi-wan merely smiled in reply. "I'd say it took you long enough Cody." 

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