let me help you: rex

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-sometimes it's easier to offer help than accept.

"General Skywalker," (Y/n) hacked into her arm, "I'm afraid we're cornered. There's too many of them!" She and Rex were long out of charges and ammunition. Amid the raging battle, they were separated and driven farther and farther from their base. The dry soil under their feet began to crack, and the trees tilted until they bowed down to the ground.

"I don't think we'll make it out of this one." (Y/n) added into her comlink. There was a low hum from the other side before Anakin answered. "Don't say that!" he snapped. "I've got a lock on your location, keep it on and we'll come get you as soon as possible." Rex and (Y/n) exchanged nervous glances. "'If we csn hold out that–"

The ground caved in on itself and droids were swollowed whole by the dirt. Clouds of the dry grains flew into the air, obscuring the landscape on a cloud of dust. There were a few painful moments of silence before the clouds dispersed. "What was that?" Rex inquired. (Y/n) shrugged, taking a delicate step forward. "I'm not waiting around to find–"

The soil cracked from underneath her foot. It spider-webbed out, continuing to grow in size before the ground split and opened a cavern. Everything happened so fast that if (Y/n) hadn't felt her stomach drop, she would have assumed she had only closed her eyes.

The landing was not soft. (Y/n) knew she had landed on top of Rex when she felt the cool material of his armour. It took a few seconds, but when she regained her bearings, she sat up. The sharp pain in her wrist made her fall to her knees.


(Y/n) heaved in a deep breath and forced a straight face. "It's – it's fine." she gasped out. Rex raised a brow from under his bucket. Through the light that leaked from the narrow opening in the crater, he took note of her pale complextion and flushed cheeks. He didn't need to be a medic to know she wasn't okay. Rex tried to insoect the wound, but (Y/n) turned away from his prying eyes.

"I'm f-fine." She was forcing the words from her throst. "I''m fine, Rex. Really."

"That doesn't look sprained to me." he retorted. (Y/n) swallowed thickly, tenderly cradling her wrist to her chest.

"That looks broken. You should–"

"I'm fine." (Y/n) interjected. Rex didn't know if he should retort or scoff, so instead, he reached tapped a button on his comlink. (Y/n) stared at the device as if she were afriad of it. "What are you doing?"

"Contacting Kix so he knows to come."


He removed his helmet and stared straight into (Y/n)'s shiny hues. "Just let me do this, okay? You're hurt and you need to quickly get that treated. If you're trying to act tough, then stop. You may he strong, but you're not invincible, and I sure as hell am not letting you off the hook." Rex said. His eyes were swirling with an intense mix of anger and concern that made (Y/n)'s heart ache. He was so worried about her that she felt bad.

Why did she have to stress him out like that?

Rex's comlink beeped. "Kix?"

"Did you get hurt? I'm on my way with the General. We should be there in a few minutes."

Rex shook his head. "Not me, (Y/n) hurt her wrist. I think it's broken." There was a short pause before Kix answered back. "Keep it elevated for now. Don't touch it–you moght make it worse."

"Understood. See you soon Kix."

"You got it."

The conversation ended with another quiet pause. Rex adjusted his seating on the dirt floor and leaned his back on the wall. "You heard him. Keep that elevated." he said. (Y/n)'s eyes didn't meet his as she nodded and dod as told. Rex didn't understand her sudden swing in mood, and frankly, it worried him. Did he say something wrong or...?

"What's wrong?"

(Y/n) seemed to shrink. "Nothing..." Another beat of silence and Rex began to notice something. Her shoulders were tense and the redness of her cheeks had faded to an unnatural pale. As for her good hand, it was shaking. Rex knew that look in her eyes almost too well. He saw it in the cadets, in his brothers, and even himself albeit rarely.

"Are you scared?" he slowly questioned. (Y/n) seemed to cave in on herself. "I'm not scared, just...uncomfortable." Rex didn't buy it. Although he didn't see (Y/n) too often, he grew up around her and knew her body language well. "Yeah, that's a lie. Are you, I don't know, scared of small spaces?"

The silence was a clear yes.

Rex didn't know what to do. Great, you figured out what she was scared of. Now what? Do you comfort her? Hug her? He scooted closer to her side. The only act of affection he knew was hand-holding. It was something all his brothers did as a way to confort the other, especially when they were scared.

Rex timidly held out his hand and gently laced his fingers with (Y/n)'s. He felt the shake of her hands, and the coolness through his gloves. "Feel better?"

Despite the pain clouding her mind, (Y/n) managed a grateful smile. "Yeah."

And so they sat there, hand in hand until the party crashers arrived.

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