accept?: obi-wan

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Obi-wan's bright hues focused on (Y/n) and only (Y/n) as she heartily laughed at a joke her clone commander, Nimbus, told. He understood the basics of the conversation in Mando'a, but couldn't quite pick up on who they were joking about, or why for that matter. When Nimbus gestured to Obi-wan, he quickly averted his gaze to the sky and focused on the gathering clouds overhead. It proved as a good distraction from the itch of embarrassment.

(Y/n), on the other hand, softly smiled. "Look at him," she said in Mando'a, "he's embarrassed because you caught him." Nimbus snorted. "He's so obvious, you know? It's clear he likes you." (Y/n) folded her hands together. She wanted to believe Nimbus with every fibre of her body, but the idea seemed so far-fetched. Obi-wan was a rule follower to the t. If you asked him what code number xyz was, he'd answer in a heartbeat. Give him an order too and he'd surely follow through in a straight line. He was a no shenanigans man, structured and traditional too.

In (Y/n)'s mind, she had zero chances with the man.

"There's no way he likes me." she glumly stated. "I'm like...the tamed version of Anakin. How could he ever like me?" Nimbus took a seat on one of the supply crates, keeping a trained set of eyes on the general across from him. Kenobi seemed to stumble about as he watched (Y/n) grumble from afar. His cheeks would shift colours ever few moments, and his shoulders would slowly ease down until he were almost slouching. Nimbus grinned to himself.

Oh, he definitely liked his General.

"Maybe that's what he needs, a person to balance hin out. Why don't you talk to him?" Nimbus suggested. (Y/n) shook her head with a subtle shrug. "I always talk to him. We're friends, remember?"

"But you could be something more."

Although none of this was Cody's business, he couldn't help but eavesdrop. The 'but you could be something more' really hit home because it was true. Cody knew his General well--heck if they could, they'd be besties--and that also meant that he understood Kenobi's changes in behaviour.

As Nimbus continued to prod at (Y/n), Cody crossed his arms. He wondered if a relationship could work between the two, but last time Kenobi fell in love with some Mandalorian, it ended in the two being frenemies, but that was besides the point.

Cody made his way towards the duo sat on a pile of supply crates. "If you're going to ask General Kenobi out, you might as well do it once we get back to Coruscant. We're heading out at 1700." he interjected. (Y/n) wanted to be startled, but it was Cody. He was always a smart man to begin with. Said man placed a hand on Nimbus's shoulder. "And if this idiot's giving you advice, I suggest you don't take it. The only girl he's ever met is you."

Nimbus's jaw unhinged. He stabbed a finger in Cody's face. "Well I don't think you've met a girl that isn't a Jedi either!" he snarkily retorted. There were a few snickers from Cody's and (Y/n)'s men. A few beats of silence passed before a, "Get back to work boys!" left his lips.


The ride to back Coruscant was short-lived and filled with snickers, jests, and teasing from the 212th and (Y/n)'s unit, whom she liked to call the Twelve Dancing Princesses. According to her, she picked out the name because her men had a 'fad' for dancing to the latest trends on the holonet. As the ride dragged on, her men, and the 212th, eventually came to the conclusion that Kenobi and (Y/n) were a perfect match.

They wanted to see her happy, and they wanted to see it now.

"Ask him out!" Waxer exclaimed. (Y/n) folded her hands across her chest with a shake of her head. "I...can't." Obi-wan cast the clones and (Y/n) a curious glance. He knew they were talking about him, but again, he didn't know what.

"Yes you can! Don't be a chicken!"

"Our General's not a chicken!"

"I never said she was chicken. I said she was being chicken, dumbo!"

"Dumbo? Is that the best you can come up with?"

Cody suddenly cleared his throat. "General Kenobi," he slowly startes, "not to be invasive, but how would you feel about dating General (L/n)?" Kenobi's brows shot up like a starfighter on its way to war. There was a twinkle of amusement glittering in his eyes as he placed a hand on his hip. "Dating? Well, I've never thought of it."

Nimbus grinned. "How would you feel about being her boyfriend? Like right now? She likes you, and we know you like her."

Obi-wan placed a hand to his forehead. Internally, he cursed at himself, but externally, he kept his cool. "Was it that obvious?"

There was a collective amount of 'yes'es' and 'uh-huhs' from the clones. That brought a bright smile to Obi-wan's lips. "Well," he turned to (Y/n), "I accept. Will you be my girlfriend and commit to breaking the Code with me?"

(Y/n) smiled with a small chuckle. "Yes. I accept."

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