falling: hunter

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writing about some of my favourite clone bois during class? it's more likely than you think
-tell me why i'm obsessed with biologically engineered look-alikes
-fluff to recover from my last angsty one-shot about tup
-you're like a secretary??? or something?

You sat at your desk, running through flimsiplasts and datapads with a long sigh. The soft background music should have put your frazzled nerves at ease, yet it only seem to irritate you more. It made you think of somewhere far away from here, where war never existed, and the galaxy lay in peace.

The pen in your hand shook as you scribbled a few notes hurriedly. You weren't sure how long you had been sitting at your desk writing, scrolling, scribbling...

"Still here?"

You perked up. Hunter made his way towards your desk as the doors slipped shut behind. You hadn't even heard him come in. "Hunter," your voice came out rather hoarse. "I thought you were scheduled to deploy later today?" He warmly smiled at you, placing his helmet on the corner of your desk as he had earlier that day. "I am, but I thought I might stop by to check on you." He looked like he wanted to say more. You knew he wanted to say more.

The flimsi under your hand suddenly felt as coarse as sand. You tapped your pen against it before clicking it shut and meeting his eyes. They weren't as sharp or focused as this morning, shifting into an ocean during a stormy night. "What's wrong?" He shook his head with a sigh, pausing to take a seat at the guest chair to your right. "Just thinkin'."


He glanced at the 'pad playing your music on shuffle. "That's a sad song." he commented. You studied the way his brow furrowed and his lips pressed together. Generally speaking, Hunter wasn't the most talkative of Clone Force 99. He spoke with purpose, sometimes the occasional joke, and often with implied meanings.

You folded your arms over your chest. "If you think something's wrong with me, you're wrong. I should be asking you that. You're constantly on the front lines while I'm almost always stuck here doing flimsi work for the GAR." Hunter chuckled. It came out lightly, but you knew he was uneasy. "You haven't held a blaster in months."

"Correct. I think I'm getting a bit rusty." There was a pause and you used it to savour Hunter's warm presence in the cold room. When you felt like falling, he anchored you to the ground, catching you in his arms before you hit the ground. He suddenly pulled himself up to his feet, intertwining his firm hand with yours.

You liked when he didn't wear any gloves. Even though his hands were covered in callouses and rather large against yours, they made you feel safe. It told you you weren't alone. "Come on," Hunter gently said. He led you away from your desk and into the centre of your room.

The song playing was slow like those days where it rained all day and you had no choice but to curl in a corner to think your life through. It reminded you of all the unfinished flimsi work you had to complete, and the due dates that loved to catch you off guard.

Hunter placed a hand on your hip, lifting the other still intertwined with yours. Then, he began to sway with the beat of the song, slowly and fluidly as you instinctively followed. "I didn't know you liked to dance." Hunter smiled a smile that made your heart flutter. He released your hand and placed a hand softly against your flushed cheeks. "Now I do."

What am I now? What am I now? What if I'm someone I don't want around?

He led you around the room in a well-coordinated circle, stepping in precise lines or turns. The beat of the music slowly sped up, and you followed it until it slowed again. Your lips connected. His were chapped against your own, lingering with a taste of dark caf. It was firm, loving, and full of so much passion.

I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.

You brought him close, snaking an arm around his neck and another through his windswept hair.

What if I'm down? What if I'm out? What if I'm someone you won't talk about?

The moment lasted seconds yet felt like decades. It left you both dizzy in the best way, with soft smiles permanently smothered across your lips.

I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling.

You looked up into his honey-glazed eyes and he pulled you in so your head rested on his shoulder as he swayed to the fading music. "Every time, I'll catch you cyar'ika," he said breathlessly. "You won't ever fall on my watch." You relaxed into his hold, savouring the warmth his arms provided. 

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