rambling & frozen: rex

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You were cold, tired, and very, very hungry. Despite devouring at least two ration bars, you were starving. That was likely because all the calories you consumed had been expended to keep you alive in the frigid climate of Hoth. Being stranded out here in a random ice cave wasn't fun either, but at least you had Rex by your side.

"I told him this would happen." you grumbled under your breath. "Even Ahsoka agreed, so of course I brought those blankets and coats with me. Thank the Maker I could fit them all in my ship." Rex was huddled in a little ball, wrapped in whatever blankets and fur coats you packed in your wreck of a star fighter. He had long removed his armour, leaving him in only his blacks and a coat. "I-I'm glad you b-brought them General. I would've been d-dead by now if you hadn't." he chattered out. You offered a small smile in reply, a puff of white vapour leaving your lips. Pulling up your hood, you took a seat by Rex's side on a tarp you'd laid out. The moisture on its surface had long frozen, creating a thin layer of frost on its surface.

You played around with your comlink, an irritated expression pulling at your lips and brows. "I can't get a signal." you glumly announced. "'We'll have to hope they got the one you sent out before we crashed."

"Don't know if we'll last long enough to see them." You frowned. "Oh come on Rex, it's not that cold." You were lying to yourself. The winds outside were howling, carrying clouds of ice and snow into the cave. Even with your three-inch thick fur coat, you were shivering. Your feet were frozen solid and your cheeks were numb. When Rex gave you a pointed look, you plopped down by his side and leaned against his back. "Maybe it's a little cold."

Rex raised a brow. "A little? I'm sure I already have frost bite." he said. You mirrored his expression, taking the blankets he burritoed himself in and wiggling in beside him. "You know, I read once that you're supposed to take off your clothes and share body heat, but that's kinda weird." you mused with a laugh.

"Where did you read that?"

You shrugged. "Somewhere." Rex chuckled. "I'm pretty sure General Skywalker would kill me if we did that." You grinned cheekily in reply. "He's my brother, of course he would. Everyone knows he has the hots for the senator, but Force forbid I have the hots for a boy, much less you." Your cheeks were suddenly warm despite the bitter cold air. The Force was telling you the change in atmosphere between you and Rex. You sensed a spark of...something from Rex, but you couldn't decipher what it was.

"Not to be invasive, but do you like anyone?" Rex suddenly questioned. You looked at him, straight in those honey eyes you had come to love. Yes, your heart said. No, your mind said. It was suddenly really, really warm on Hoth. The ice and snow was all nonexistent in that moment as you shared a quiet moment with Rex.

"I..." you paused, that previous care-free attitude vanishing. "It's against the Code." you slowly said. "But..."

Rex was so intent on listening. Did he like you too?

"...I maybe, sort of, kind of like someone."

"Who?–if you don't mind me asking." Your cheeks were red and you know it. It's the cold, you told yourself, not the boy in front of you.

"You." you blurted. Rex pointed a gloved hand to himself. "Me?" You avoided Rex's curious gaze, regret bubbling in your gut. This was against the Code, you told yourself. This was a bad idea.

"I-I like you too." Rex confessed. Your gaze snapped back to the clone. "Really? Not like a friend?" He nodded and you smiled brighter than the two suns of Tatooine. "Well, if we don't make it out of here," you said, "at least I can die happy."

"Don't say that. General Skywalker will come. He's not one to give up." Rex replied. You smiled with a nod of agreement. "Before they come, can I kiss you?"

Rex didn't answer, instead taking initiative and placing his lips on yours. It was awkward, but so full of sincerity and love that you didn't mind. After all, this was something new to the both of you.


You suddenly broke apart, wildly narrowing your gaze at the entrance of the cave. Through all the ice and snow stood not only your brother Anakin, but the whole 501st. You knew there was no lie you could ever conjour to cover up what you and Rex had did, so you opted for plan B.

"Promise you won't tell anyone!" you exclaimed. The boys collectively nodded with a few snickers. Anakin, on the other hand, sent Rex a smug smirk. "I told you she liked you." You knitted your brows. "Wait, you knew?" He chuckled. "'Course. I'm your brother. I know everything. Now come on, let's get off this icy rock."

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