protective: (platonic) rex

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The sweet yet suave smile on that boy's face annoyed Rex. The way he articulated, so clean-cut and clear, and the way he inched closer to you with each passing second only seemed to further irritate the captain. What even was this boy's name? Willow? Window? Wil...Winson. Senator Wilson. That was his name.

That was besides the point. As the boy placed a hand on your shoulder, Rex couldn't help but glare from across the hallway. That kid was an overly-friendly senator, who also so happened to fancy being touchy with you. Rex couldn't stand the physical contact, especially because of how uncomfortable you looked. Wilson's hands were suddenly making themselves apparent on your back, while the other slowly inched towards...

Oh no, thought Rex. Not on my watch.

He loudly cleared his throat, eternally thankful for the bucket covering the deep scowl on his face. "I am afraid the General and I have important matters to finish besides talking politics." He didn't mean to sound so snappy, but he couldn't help it. Force of habit taught by a certain padawan and Skywalker. "Our jobs as your security are fulfilled for the day. We will come back again tomorrow as requested."

The senator slowly retracted his touch from you, a sour expression briefly crossing his face. "I apologise for holding you both up." Rex raised a brow from under his helmet. It was clear the guy was trying to be diplomatic. Rex defensively walked up to your side, taking care to keep an eye trained on the senator.

"Good day, sir."

"'Yes...good day."

That brief phrase left a bad taste in Rex's mouth that lingered even as you both exited the room. When the doors slid shut, you released a long sigh. "Thanks vod."

"Don't mention it. That guy's a creep–did you just call me brother?" You nodded in confirmation, a soft smile on your lips. Rex released a soft sigh. "Why don't I escort you back to your temporary quarters, vod? In case that guy comes back." he said with a grimace. You sensed his feelings of irritation, which in your opinion, were completely justified. With a small smile you said, "Good idea."

That night, neither Rex nor you could sleep. One couldn't get the senator out of his head while another sensed danger quickly approaching. What kind, she wasn't sure. Although you were exactly twenty-one years of age, you couldn't help things like worry or insecurity. It was natural after all, and what made people human. So that night, you exited your room, lightsaber tucked in your boot as you scurried down the hall and to Rex's room (he was generously given his own room upon your firm request).

Giving a quiet set of knocks was all you had to do before Rex opened the door. He was surprised to see you in your pjs at his doorstep at three in the morning. "What's wrong?" Your huff of exasperastion was enough for Rex to let you into his room. It wasn't anything too special. The walls were a plain gray while a wardrobe lay against the wall, a mirror beside it. There was a private bathroom across from the wardrobe while at the centre of the room lay Rex's bed. It was queen sized and pushed up against the wall. There was a little viewport across from the bed.

Through the dim moonlight seeping through the viewport, you could make out the dark circles under Rex's eyes. There was a heaviness in his aura that spoke of restlessness and urgency to do something–whatever that was–which was also mixing in with the want to protect. "You didn't sleep much, did you?" you questioned, flopping onto his spacious bed. Rex shook his head and lay besude you with a large yawn. "Not a wink."

"I don't want to see the senator tomorrow." you lamely admitted. Rex snorted. "Neither do I vod. Like I said, he's creepy. I wouldn't be surprised if he were a stalker." That was when you completely froze. You sensed a presence close by, but not from Rex's room.

"What? You sense something?"

With a nod, you quietly crept towards the door. You hesitantly stared at the control panel. What if what was behind the door something you shouldn't see? What if it were an assassin? After an intense thirty seconds, you tapped the open button. Rex joined you in the threshold. "There's no one here."

You stuck your head out of the doorway, Rex copying you. From down the hall, you saw the senator march straight towards your room. He held a datapad in one hand and a remote controller in the other. He began to tamper with the control panels. When the doors flicked open, a hovering droid swiftly exited, one of your....

Rex yanked you back into his room and slammed the doors shut. "Like I said, a creep! What kind of senator goes around and steals people's...people's..." He couldn't bring himself to utter the word 'bra'. A sigh escpaed your lips in return. "We still have tomorrow to get through before we can leave this planet for good and head back to Coruscant." Rex grimaced. "I don't think I can stand being in the same room the Senator without wanting to strangle him."

"Oh, you'll have plenty time to do that tomorrow. Rex," there was an evil twinkle in your eye, "how do you feel about pranking him?"

Rex couldn't help but grin. Tomorrow, there would be hell to pay.

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