1 | Shin Yuna

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The streets of Seoul were packed with people walking around. Trying to get to their destination or simply just roaming around.

A tall, blonde woman, also known as Shin Yuna, was a police officer roaming the streets. She had no cases or missions today so she took that time to do.. well, pretty much anything.

She kept walking, staring at the tall buildings. The sun is out, shining and the clouds are no where to be found. It was a bright day, and even with how bright it was, the city lights still made themselves known.

She was so focused on the sky, she was left dumbfounded when someone pushed past her. She looked down from the sky, her gaze falling on two figures in all black running off, the shorter one with a purse in hand.

Her shoulder, or better, her soulmark was in flames. It burned and she hissed, her hand immediately clenching her shoulder.

Yuna didn't think about about it until she heard a scream from far behind her, she turned and saw a woman, "Help! They stole my purse!" she cried.

Yuna's eyes widened as she turned her head back to the direction of where the females ran off to, their figures still in sight. Seeing she was the only officer around, her first response was to run after them, dashing through the crowd of people. "Hey! Stop!" she yelled to them.

She chased them until she saw them turn into an alleyway. She follows them and soon realizes she has them cornered. "Put your hands up! Both of you!" she shouted, they oblige and slowly turn around to face the officer.

She's met with a tall woman with feline-like eyes, long brown hair and she's wearing a black jacket, long leggings and black boots. Whereas the shorter one has bright pink hair, a black jacket with black shorts and long black boots.

They're beautiful, pretty, attractive, you name it, but she didn't let that get to her right now. She had to do her job. "Give me the purse," she says, taking a step forward to them.

"'Nope." The pink-haired one replied, a smirk on her face.

Yuna then slowly reaches behind her, pulling out a gun, but the other two seem unfazed. "I will ask again. Give. Me. The. Purse." she said slowly.

The taller one groans before reaching behind the shorter one, grabbing it and throwing it to Yuna.

Yuna eyes them before slowly reaching down and bringing it back up with her. "What're your names?" she asked, putting her gun away.

"Choi Jisu." The shorter one replies, that same smirk on her face. The taller elbowed the shorter, the latter groaning in pain. "Shut up. You're just going to get her trouble, dimwit." she whisper-shouted to her. Yuna caught onto this, "So, neither of you are Choi Jisu?" she raised an eyebrow.


"Then, what are your names? Your real names." Yuna took another step forward, they kept quiet again, just glancing at each other once in a while.

"Alright—" Before Yuna could finish, metal had hit her head.

She fell to the ground, before fading out of consciousness, she saw three figures hovering over her.

"The name's Hwang Yeji, asshole."

With that, Yuna was out.

Yeji looked up at the smaller two. "Thanks, Lia." she smiled, stepping over Yuna's unconscious body, hugging Lia.

"Come on, get her inside before someone comes." The pink-haired one yelled.

Black was all Yuna saw. She was in a dark room. She looked around, blinking, seeing if it'll help her vision return but it was no use.

She tried to stand up, then she realized was bound to a chair, belts and ropes holding her down. She stared at the restraints she couldn't see.

Clanking noises can be heard and she turns her head to that side, and sees a door open, light following after them. Three figures walk in, all too familiar since their previous encounter. "You kidnapped me?! Oh, you guys are in trouble now." she chuckled bitterly.

The door slammed behind them, Yuna following their footsteps before a blinding light was brought. She squinted her eyes before looking up at the three females in front of her.

"It was for your own good. If we stayed, you would've called for help, and we can't have that." The shortest of them all smiled, her eyes forming into cresents as she did.

"So, what? Is this your little hideout or something?" Yuna looked around, eyeing the area. It was clear she was in some type of warehouse. The tallest, she remembers, Yeji, spoke up. "Oh no. We're far from our 'hideout'. We're at a warehouse. Do you think we're dumb enough to let you know our location?" she smiled, but it was fake, Yuna could tell.

Before Yuna could reply, sirens and wails could be heard outside. The three girls looked at each other, "Go! Go!" The pink-haired one shouted, pushing them both out from a door in the corner, opening it and leaving Yuna there.

"I'm here! Here!" Yuna yelled, shouting loud enough for them to hear.

The door opened, followed by many officers with their guns in hands, aiming around. Two tall officers ran to Yuna with their guns down. "Yuna!" they both said. "Jeongyeon, Lisa!"

"Wait, forget about me! There! Go! They went that way!" Yuna said, tilting her head to the door behind them.

Lisa raised her gaze to it and walked to it, opening it and seeing nothing and nobody. "We see nothing, officer."

"What happened to you?" Jeongyeon asked while struggling to let Yuna free.

first chapter! tell me, what do you guys think so far? 🌸

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