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It's been four years since that incident.

Everything had changed.

Shin Yuna, had moved away to America. After losing her soulmate, her happiness, she left. She didn't want to live where she knew her soulmate died.

Currently, she went to visit her parents in Korea and spend time with them. She had went to Suwon and then went to Seoul, to just look around and see what's changed.

She remembers the police station and heads there, walking inside and seeing new officers and recruits. She saw Chaeyeon and smiled. "Lee!" she yelled.

Chaeyeon turned to Yuna and smiled when she noticed who it was. "Shin! Hey!" she ran to her, embracing her with a big hug. "How have you been, young one?"

"I've been good. I've come back to Korea for a while." Yuna explained, nodding. Chaeyeon nodded with her. "Great to have ya back." she chuckled.

"Great to be back." Yuna answered, looking around the police station. "How's Sakura?" she looked back at Yuna.

"She's great. Yuki is in middle school.. and.." Chaeyeon smiled and wide smile, "Sakura's pregnant!" she exclaimed.

Yuna gasped, "Oh my gosh! Congratulations! Yuki's gonna be a big sister!" she laughed. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you. I'm so excited." Chaeyeon giggled. Yuna rolled her eyes at the older one with a chuckle. "How about Chaeryeong? How's she doing?"

"She's doing great, after you left she found her soulmate and eventually got married. She still lives in Seoul, want her address?" Chaeyeon took out her phone. Yuna nodded, "Yeah sure. It'd be nice to talk to her again."

Yuna walked up the stairs to a house. Chaeyeon had given Chaeryeong's address and Yuna immediately left to go there. She knocked on the door and waited a couple of seconds before the door opened, revealing.. Chaeryeong.

"Yuna? Yuna!" Chaeryeong gasped. Yuna laughed at her happiness. "Hi, Ryeongchae!" They hugged each other.

"Come in!" Chaeryeong grabbed Yuna's hand and pulled her inside.

She sat Yuna on the couch and Yuna looked around. "Wow, this place is big." she gasped.

"I'll get you something to drink." Chaeryeong walked into her kitchen.

She continued to look around until she saw a man walk in.


"Oh. Hey, Yuna." Taehyun smiled at Yuna.

"Ah, so you're her soulmate." Yuna nodded. "Why do you sound so disappointed?" Taehyun raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, no reason." Yuna smirked. Taehyun rolled his eyes. "You've always been confusing, Yuna. Chaeryeong! I'm off to work." Taehyun yelled into the kitchen before walking out the door.

Yuna watched him until she saw Chaeryeong come back with two drinks.

"Alright, here you go. Some water because I don't know what you like." Chaeryeong smiled. Yuna took it, "Thank you. It's fine." she took a sip.

"So.. what are you up to lately?" Chaeryeong leaned back in her seat.

"Well.. I moved to America, and there I'm a worker at a coffee shop. I came back to Korea a couple of days ago to visit my family, and I came here to see all of you." Yuna smiled at Chaeryeong.

Chaeryeong nodded. "A lot has happened over the years." she sighed. Yuna nodded. "Yep."

Yuna left Chaeryeong's place after a while. There was nobody else to visit so she just thought about heading back to Suwon.

But, a thought popped in her head.

The house.

She drove back to the house where she, Lia, Yeji and.. Ryujin lived.

When she arrived, the house was old and abandoned. Nobody lived there.

She stood in front of it. She had no intention of going inside.

Yuna felt tears threatening to fall. All the memories flooded in and took over her. The times she lied to them, hiding from Chaeryeong, and.. losing Ryujin.

Her soulmate.

She had just confessed to loving her and she lost her right after and Yuna's felt so stupid.

This could have all went down another way, she thought.

Yuna noticed how her shoulder gained warmth again once she made it back to Seoul but didn't acknowledge because.. it was impossible.

Your soulmate mark doesn't just.. go cold. Never.

Yuna sighed and walked back to her car. One more place she wanted to visit was the hill. Where she and Ryujin went on their first date.

She hopped in the car and drove off to that parkling lot. A lot more malls and stores were there but she walked passed them all and walked up the hill.

She smiled when she saw it was untouched.

The same amazing view of the city still there. She couldn't help but sigh happily, sitting down and staring at the sight below.


She froze.

Did someone follow her hear?

Who else here knows her?

Yuna slowly turned around, trying to see who called her name.

Her eyes widened at the sight of Shin Ryujin.

Her soulmate.

Who died four years ago.

How is this possible?

The girl standing before her had a shocked expression on her face. Her blue hair now faded into a brownish color. Her eyes puffy and red.

"R-Ryujin?" Yuna stuttered, standing up.

They just stared at each other for a while. As if trying to confirm if each other was real.

Not a minute later, they both ran into each other's arms. Both hugging each other tightly.

"I thought you were dead." Yuna sobbed into Ryujin's shoulder. "My mark.. had gone cold.. and I thought I lost you."

Ryujin held onto Yuna's coat tightly, "I survived. I don't know how, but I made it." she smiled. "I missed you so much, Yuna." Ryujin cried. "I missed you too." Yuna answered.

Yuna let go and held Ryujin's cheeks in her hands. Both of them staring into each other's eyes. "I love you, Yuna."

Yuna smiled, more tears running down her face.

"I love you too."

Yuna and Ryujin shared a kiss once again. Their shoulders burning up in flames.

They both had so many questions but right now, they wanted to just live in the moment.


hii!! you have met the end of runaway!
thank you for everyone who enjoyed this story!
if you don't know, there will be two books coming out that are related to this one!

there is one where it is chaeryeong, yeji and lia's pov! basically their backstory and what happened between them!

and surely, there will be a runaway two. so stay tuned for that.

also, please note that i don't ship txtzy at all lmao
i just got chaeryeong with tae because she had no other girl to be shipped with

thank you all so much for reading this book! love you all, xoxo!! 💜🌸

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