the sauna test (part one)

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We were sitting in the Wheeler basement. Me and Will were explaining what happened. "This feeling. You know how you feel when you drop on a roller coaster?" Will asks. They all nodded except for el and i. Will explained. "Like, your whole body goes cold, and you can't move or speak or anything. I've felt it before. Whenever he was near." I nodded. "Maybe your only feeling it because alissa's the shadow monster's daughter. She's about as evil as him." Mike says. I flip him off. "Then why the h*** am I feeling it Mike? You think you're a genius, but stupider than mouse walking up to a mouse trap!" I snap at him. He glares at me. "Shut the f*** up alissa!" Mike says angrily. Will grabs a peice of paper and a charcoal crayon. "This is him. All of him. That day, he attached himself to me. A part rubbed  off on me. then, my mom got it out of me, and el closed the gate and found alissa. But the part that was in me, what if it's still here? What if we trapped it out here with us?" He says making gestures with his hand. I nod along. "And he'd want to attach himself to someone. A new me. A host." "But how can you tell if someone is a host?" Mike asks. "Idiot. Weren't you there when Will was possessed?" I asked as if it were obvious. He flips me off. "And if you were there with Will, you know what happens." I started ranting until he puts his hand on my mouth. "Shut the f*** up for once!" He says. "Don't make me do this Mike." I say but it is muffled. He gives me a look of confusion. I lick his palm. He tanks it away. "Gross. You are disgusting." He says and walks away. Will bursts out laughing. Soon they are all laughing. Mike walks out of the bathroom. "I told You not to do dthat to me again Mike. I told you." He flips me off. I flip him off right back and stick my tongue out. We glare at each other. "I think that no matter how much Hopper tries, we will never get along." I tell him. He nods. "You actually said something I can agree with for once." He says sarcastically. The rest of the party are whispering to each other. "What are y'all talking about?" Me and Mike ask suspiciously. El and Will grab me by the arms and start dragging me to the basement closet while mike is being dragged by Max and lucas. "Let us go!!!" We scream.

El and Will throw me in the closet. Soon Mike lands beside me. The door slams shut and locks. "S*** f*** nuggets!!" I yell and try opening the door. "Y'all are not coming out until y'all can get along!! We cant have y'all fighting when we fight this thing!" Will says. I start crying. "Will, please open the door. I don't want to be in here." I say between tears. "I'm sorry alissa. Just bear through it." He says back softly. I fall to the ground crying softly. Soon I feel arms around me. Mike hugs me and pulls me close. I feel the weird feeling again. I dont know what it is though, but it's comforting. I cuddle close to his chest. We sit there like this for about the next 10 minutes. The door opens and they all see us. "Was this part of the plan guys?" Will asks. They all shrug. We don't look up. They all shrug and close the door abd lock it. "You feeling better?" Mike asks. I nod. "Yeah." He pulls me closer. We both fall asleep like this sitting in the corner of a closet.

I wake up to Mike shaking me softly. My eyes flutter open. I stretch and get up. "We fell asleep?" I ask. He nods. We both laugh. The door opens. El glares at me. I feel awful for falling asleep like that. "Y'all finally woke up?" I glare at her and she wiggles her eyebrows at us. We both shake our heads. "We have a plan. We think it's Billy." Max says.

We stand outside the pool gates. We're taking turns with lucas's binoculars. I look through them. "He looks flayed. Last time I came to the pool, hewas in nothing but a whistle and swimming trunks. Not all this." I say. Will nods. El is glaring at me standing next to Mike. I notice and walk away from him. I go and stand next to Will. El smiles and goes and stands next to Mike. My somewhat smile turns into a deep frown. I look down at my shoelaces. El smiles next to Mike. Max notices what happens. "I have an idea! Boys only though!" Mike says. "Seriously?!" Max yells as the boys go towards the boys bathroom. Max walks over to me. "I saw what happened. Why did you move away from Mike?" She says. "I want el to be happy. I don't care if I'm dying inside. If shes happy, thats all that matters. And Mike makes her happy, so I want her happy." I answer loud enough for el to hear. Max nods. "That's really selfless. Not many people will do that for others." She says. I nod and look down. "No matter how much it hurts or I'm dying inside, if els happy, I'm fine." I say and walk away. I go sit beside a tree and a few tears come down my cheeks. I wipe them away just before the boys come back. "Where's alissa?" They ask. Max points to where I am. "She was just right there!" Max says. I look up. They cant see me. "Guys im right here!!" I yell. "She's invisible!" Mike says surprised. I start crying. After a few minutes, I feel the weird feeling. I Look upand Mike's hugging me. I push him away because El is glaring at us. I'll never be happy, will i?

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