•C H A P T E R 5•

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He's here? I'm still half asleep so my brain is half working at the moment. "Who? Who's here?" I sit up in confusion.

"You're soulmate, Y/N." She looks at me up and down and her eyes widen. "Girl, what are you wearing?! Nevermind, he's out in the living room, so hurry up. You will be surprised." She smiles big before closing the door. This makes me think who it could possibly be.

I take five seconds to process all of this and walk to my body mirror. That's not me, that's a whole mole rat. Yeesh, I have got to do something.

I grab a dark blue sweater cardigan and put it over my tank top. Then, I pull my hair up into a ponytail and put some mascara on. Lastly, I fill my eyebrows in a little to make it look like they're there. Eh, I don't look terrible, but you can tell I just woke up.

I take a deep breath before walking out of my room. This is it. The moment of truth.

I walk out into the living room to see not one, but seven pairs of eyes staring at me. That's not including Em, my sister, my mother, and my father.

I stand at the entrance looking at each individual guy on my couches. Hold on a hot second. This can't be.

Emerson clears her voice and walks up to me. She guides me forward closer to everyone and stops me once i'm more seen. This is perfect for an introvert like me. Put me right on the spot.

"This is Y/N, everyone." She looks at me to see my shocked expression. "Y/N, this is Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jungkook, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jimin."

It's like I suddenly became paralyzed. No way is one of the members of BTS my soulmate. Quickly, I check my wrist. It changed to feet. 3 feet it shows.

I look back up at the guys. After a second of awkward silence, Jimin stands up. He seems just as nervous as me.

"Y/N, right?" he asks. I gulp and nod. "I-I'm your soulmate."

My vision gets blurry. I rub my eyes and look back up at him. I don't believe it. What do I say? I wasn't prepared for this..

"Holy shit.." is all I mutter out.

"Y/N, language!" my mom says from the other side of the room. Everyone laughs a little, but me and Jimin are still staring at each other in shock. You know, he's actually the perfect height for me. He's probably about 4 or 5 inches taller than me.

He smirks and sticks his hand out. "It's nice to finally meet you, Y/N."

Before I can take his hand with my trembling one, Mara comes in between us and replaces me. "Hi Mr. Park, it's nice to be shaking hands now. I'm Mara, Y/N's sister, but you can call me Mars. I think I can trust you, so let it stay that way." She smiles before letting go of his hand and walking back to her spot.

I awkwardly smile at him and shake his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you too, Jimin."

Park Jimin from BTS is my soulmate? How is this even possible? I get lost in his dark brown eyes like a forest at night. I wish my eyes were as pretty as his.


Somebody coughs making us break eye contact. I notice that our hands are still locked together. Quickly i take my hand out of his and look away.

Namjoon signals something toward Jimin making him suddenly turn back to me. "In case you want to keep in touch," he brings out his phone and gives it to me showing an empty contact form.

I take it and put in my phone number and type my name in as "(your nick name) ;)". He smiles cutely and takes his phone back.

"We will be going to our hotel very soon, so if you want you can come with and then you and Jimin can talk and get to know each other. That is if you're okay with that."

The thought of Noah crosses my mind. What will he think of this? Then I remember what he told me. How could he get mad at me if he would do the same?

"Y-yes, of course. Can I talk to my family first?"

They all smile at me and stand up getting ready to leave. "Of course," Namjoon says. "We're going to wait in the vans. Please take your time."

And with that, they exit the house. With shock I look back at Mara, Emerson, my mom, and my dad. Mara and Emerson start jumping up and down while squealing. My mom and dad just look confused.

"YOUR SOULMATE IS THEEE PARK JIMIN! THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!" Emerson comes up to me and hugs me so tight I can't breathe. Mara follows along.

"Y/N, you're going to have sooo cute babies AWWW THEY'RE GOING TO BE SO ADORABLE! I'M HAVING BABY FEVER!"

"Em stooop I just met the guy!" We all start laughing.

"But seriously. I'm going to be their god mother, right?" Emerson asks.

I nod. "Definitely."

My mom and dad hug me. When they let go, my dad stares right into my eyes. "If that man hurts you, I got a gun and a shovel."

"Daaad! He's in the most famous band in the world! You'd probably get killed. Not to mention, all ARMY's would hate you forever, and there's millions of them."

My mom puts her hands on my shoulders and smiles. "I'm so happy for you child. Now go, they're waiting for you!"

Oh yeah, how did I forget about that? I run to the front door and wave goodbye.

"I'll wait here for you!" Em says. "You better spill tea too!"

"I will Em, I promise." After shutting the door, I realize that Jimin waited for me by the door because I almost ran into him.

"Ready?" he asks. I nod afraid to stutter again if I talk. He puts his arm around my shoulders and walks me to the vans. Not gonna lie, my heart sped up really fast.
hiii, time flew by REALLY fast! it's been three weeks since i last published 😓 that's really baddd :( i'm never doing that again oof. i hope the story is okay. also thank you if you're still reading because you're my favorite people on the planet fr fr 💜

soo my phone did this thing where it shut off and wouldn't turn back on. i tried the "volume up volume down hold power button" thing anddd it didn't work sooo i had to do this restore thing on itunes and some techy stuff to turn my phone back on and i lost everything after june 30th of 2019. 😤 which was 11 days before i became an ARMY. sooo i lost all my bts songs. also for some reason it recovered 1,429 photos out of the almost 5,000 i had just like randomly throughout the years. which meannsss it deleted most of my BTS pictures :(( sad sad. so if y'all have some the pleaseee send them to me :( 💜

i'm writing moreee hehe

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