•C H A P T E R 15•

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~Jimin's POV~
I finally catch up to Y/N and make it just in time to hear the officer tell her the heartbreaking news. I don't know what to do at this point. How do I comfort a girl who just lost both of her parents? On top of that, we're leaving tomorrow...

"Y/N?" I say. She doesn't respond. She's still staring at the officer with a heartbreaking expression. I hug her trying to comfort her a little showing her that i'm here for her.

She walks upstairs and into her bedroom. I understand that she needs to be alone right now to process everything.

I turn towards Namjoon. "How does this happen? How did they even die?"

He just shrugs and frowns. "I can't imagine how she feels right now. What do we even do to help?"

I sit down and put my head in my hands. "I don't know. But hyung, we can't leave tomorrow. We just can't. We have to be here for her, her parents just died!"

He runs his fingers through his hair and thinks in stress. Then, he takes out his phone. "Okay, I will talk to manager."

I smile in relief. I really want to be here with her for a while. There's no way i'm leaving her now.

"Manager, something tragic has happened. Jimin's soulmates parents have passed away and Jimin doesn't want to leave her alone now."

Namjoon listens to what manager says. "No i'm not lying.. that would be a terrible thing to lie about!" He waits a while more. "I'm sure Army's would understand. Thank you, they will appreciate this a lot." He hangs up and smiles at me. "We can stay for five more days, but we still have to practice while we're here."

I sigh happily. I don't have to leave my baby alone. "Thanks, hyung." I lean over and hug him then run upstairs to find Y/N.

I lightly knock on her bedroom door before opening it. She's just sitting at the edge of her bed staring at the wall with teary eyes. Poor baby...

"Hey... can I come in?" I ask.

She nods a little and I walk in closing the door quietly behind me. I sit next to her on the bed and look at her. I notice a tear slipping away from her eye, so I take my thumb and wipe it away.

She leans over and hugs me bursting into tears, my shirt soaking them up. I hold her and let her cry as much as she wants. I hate to see her so sad, yet i'm not so sure what to do to help. I'm scared I will make things worse.

Still buried into my chest, she says, "I'm so glad you're here right now... thank you for being here." It sounds muffled, but I understand what she's saying.

"I'm always here for you, even when i'm not right next to you. Always remember that, jagi."

She sniffs and looks up at me with puffy red eyes. "What's that word mean?" She asks drying her eyes with her sleeves.

"It's a name I can call you because you're my girlfriend." I smile and blush a little remembering that this perfect girl right next to me is my soulmate and only mine. 

She smiles a little, first time she's smiled since we arrived to her house. "So it's a good name? It's not something like 'loser' right?"

We both chuckle, which makes me happy that she's not so sad right now. "I promise, it's not 'loser', it's a name that only I can call you. No one else can call you this."

She blushes looking away. Making her smile just makes me happy, especially during this terrible, sad time.

"You know, we're staying for five more days."

She looks at me shocked. "But, don't you need to work?"

I smile. "Hyung called and asked to stay longer so we can be with you. I hope that's okay."

She nods excitedly. "I just hope it's not affecting your work..."

"Don't worry, we're okay on work."

I take her hand and hold it for a little bit. "Do you want me to stay or leave you be for tonight?" I ask.

She thinks a little contemplating what to choose. "Maybe for tonight I should be alone to process everything."

I nod understandingly. "Okay. If you need me, just call. No matter the time." I kiss her cheek then go to leave. "Goodnight, Y/N. Sleep well."

~Y/N's POV~
Jimin leaves causing instant regret in me. I need him here with me, why did I say I want to be alone? It's just one night, I'll be alright.

I turn off my lights and hop into bed hoping I will sleep tonight. Instead, I toss and turn not being able to get comfortable. I keep thinking about today. It was the best day ever, but then it turned into a nightmare. How does this happen?

Finally, I sit up realizing there's a tear on my cheek. I dab it with my blanket and grab my phone. Tapping on Jimin's contact, I call him hoping he will answer.

"Yes, babygirl?" he says in a tired, raspy voice.

His words melt my heart. And his voice.. 😏 hehe.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I ask feeling stupid. It is one in the morning.

"Maybe. But if you want me to come over, i'll be glad to."

My heart does summersaults in my chest. "Can you, please?"

He chuckles a little. "I'll be right over."

I smile to myself. Why am I so happy? My parents just died, should it be wrong to accept it so fast? I get sad again thinking about it, but then I shake the thoughts out of my head. My parents would want me to be happy. I just wished that they were...

Ten minutes later, I get a text from Jimin saying he's here. So I go downstairs and open the door for him. I immediately go in for a hug. "I missed youuu," I say making him laugh.

"You just saw me three hours ago, babe."

I blush because he called me babe in his tired voice. Hehe, I love that.

I take his hand and pull him upstairs and into my bedroom and plop on the bed. He sits down next to where i'm laying and just looks at me.

"What?" I ask.

He seems concerned for whatever reason. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nod confusingly. "Yeah, I promise i'm okay. Just can't sleep, that's all." I smile reassuringly and cover up with the blanket. He lays down next to me cuddling me.

"If you're sure you're fine, then goodnight." He kisses my cheek again. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jimin."
man, i'm on a roll publishing my chapters. i guess i haven't been as busy this week as i usually am. but that's gonna change real quick 😬 well, i'm gonna google translate this chapter through many languages then back to english to read the crazy story it came up with. byeee!!! 💖

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