•C H A P T E R 16•

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I flutter my eyes open to the dimly lighted room. I notice that Jimin is still sleeping. He looks so peaceful and angelic. I don't want to wake him, so I stay admiring his beauty.

"I can feel you watching me," he says smirking and finally opening his eyes. I awkwardly laugh and turn on my back.

"Pshh noo," I deny. He wraps his arms around me and won't let go.

"Noo, why'd you turn away?" He pouts looking at me. He is so adorable in the mornings. He let's go allowing me to turn toward him.

"How'd you sleep, my love?" he asks causing my face to go red. Something about the way he says "my love" just gives me butterflies.

"I would've slept fine if you weren't hogging the covers," I joke.

"Don't lie, my cuddles can make anyone sleep well. Just ask Taehyung."

My phone chimes and I groan turning off my alarm. "I completely forgot I have a job." I facepalm myself then stand up stretching.

"You're not really going back to work, are you?" Jimin asks worried.

I look back at him putting a t-shirt over my tank top. "Yeah, why?"

He looks concerned. "Baby, i'm just worried about you. Because of what happened last night, don't you think working would be the last thing you would want to do?"

I shrug as I slip on some skinny jeans. "I already skipped a few days. Plus, i'm fine." I smile at him and go to brush my teeth.

I can feel his eyes watching me as I get ready for work. Suddenly, as i'm putting on some mascara, Jimin comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder looking at me in the mirror.

"What?" I ask laughing at his cuteness.

"Do you want me to drive you to work?" he asks looking at me with pleading eyes like he really wants to.

I smile at him and continue putting mascara on my lashes. "Sure, baby." Finishing up my makeup, I put it away and grab my phone. "Let's go."

We get to the Starbucks and he parks. He leans over and kisses me. "Have a great day at work, beautiful."

Hehe, he's too perfect. "Thanks, Jiminie. I love you, see you later!"

And with that, I leave the car and go to the place I call death because I have to deal with actual human beings that I prefer to not talk to.

After an hour or so, I realize how gloomy all my coworkers seem. They also keep occasionally glancing at me and it's making me a little confused. What's going on?

My friend that just so happens to be the manager walks in. Thank God.

"Bella, thank the Lord you're here. I feel so weirded out by everyone. What's their deal?"

She frowns at me but worriedly. "We're just concerned about you, Y/N/N (your nickname). Do you need some time off of work?"

I shake my head. "No, i'm fine really! See!" I smile showing my tiny dimples. "No tears, smiling, and working." I start wiping down tables and she puts her hand on my shoulder causing me to look up.

"Sit down for a bit, okay? I'll make you a mocha."

Anger rises up in me. Why doesn't anyone believe that i'm okay? "Bell, I said i'm fine! What does no one understand about that!"

The room goes silent. I already know everyone is staring at me, but I don't care. Somehow, the tears start falling out of my eyes. Bella motions for me to sit down, so I do so and cry into my palms.

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