•C H A P T E R 8•

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~~Y/N's POV~~

I wake up to the sound of nothingness. For some reason, the house is extremely quiet for once. It's nice and I love it. If only it could be like this every morning.

I check my phone and read my notifications. The one that caught my eye though are the two messages from Jimin. He asked me to go out for coffee? How sweet. I'm supposed to be working at Starbucks today, but I can call off for today. Maybe for the whole week too, who needs work anyways aha.

I make a quick call to my boss explaining how some important family matters came up that I have to leave town for and so I can't make it into work today. He totally believed me, which is surprising knowing that i'm a terrible liar.

Now, I can text Jimin back. It's 11:47, hopefully it's not too late to respond.

Y/N: Hey sorry I just woke up, still down for that coffee date? :)
Read 11:48 am

Jimin: Of course b :) Coffee Alley at 1:00?
Read 11:49 am

Y/N: Sure thing, can't wait 😊
Read 11:49 am

Jimin: :))
Read 11:50 am

I take my time getting ready because rushing makes me forget important things, like brushing my teeth or grabbing my keys. Also, I want to actually try to look good today since I wasn't able to last night for the first impression.

*your outfit*

Soon enough it was 12:45 pm and it was time for me to leave

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Soon enough it was 12:45 pm and it was time for me to leave. Grabbing my keys and wallet I walk out the door and start up the car. Then I remembered Emerson. Is she still inside? I'm such a terrible friend holy lord.

As I pull out of the driveway I tap on her contact and call her. I'm too lazy to walk all the way back inside to check.

"Yo whats good?" Em answers.

"Hey did you leave my house or are you still here?"

"Oh yeah sorry I left this morning. I know I should've told you, but I was in a rush." Her voice was low and hurt. "My mom called me this morning... Timmy died."

My heart dropped. Timmy is her pet turtle that her family adopted when she was a baby. She grew up with him and he was basically her child. I would always hold him while calling him my  soulmate whenever I came over to her house in middle school and high school. I can't believe he's gone.

"Em i'm so sorry... this is terrible. Do you need anything?"

She hums a no answer, which she does when she's about to cry. "I'll be okay. I'm going to see him, say goodbye, then bury him. It's gonna hurt for a bit, but I can't be sad about it forever. It'll be fine."

I feel so bad, she loves him with everything. She doesn't have any siblings either, so that turtle was also basically her brother. Her brother son.

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