•C H A P T E R 6•

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My family and Em start texting me asking me how it's going the second I get into the car. I might just have to turn my phone off or else this awkward silence is going to be a lot more awkward with my phone continuously making noise.

We arrive to their hotel. On the way here, we all agreed to hang out in one room so they can get to know me and I can get to know them. Then later, me and Jimin can talk alone and get to know more about each other one on one.

"Okay, everyone take a seat," Namjoon instructs. We each find a place in the room to sit. Some on the bed, some on the floor, and some on the other furniture. I chose the small couch and so did Jimin. The couch only fits two people, so it's just us two.

Me and my introverted awkward self is always scared of awkward weird moments and doesn't know how to handle them, so I try to avoid them at all costs. I sit up straight and stiff trying not to make any physical contact with Jimin.

"Y/N, you may be asking yourself how we're here right now. We traveled across the world to help find Jimin his soulmate, which of course is you. We can only stay for about five more days and then we have to get back to Korea to continue our work."

No way, they did this for me and Jimin? They truly are super loving people.

"Wow, you guys are impressive, amazing people. Thank you for coming all this way, I appreciate it."

"We would do anything for each other. Even if that means traveling across the world," Yoongi adds.

They all nod in agreement. Ah, I wish me and all of my friends were like this. We'd probably be more closer with each other than we are now.

We sit in silence for a second until Namjoon speaks up again. "Why don't we start by questions. You can ask us what you want to know about us and we can ask you what we want to know about you. Are you okay with that?"

I nod. "Yes, of course."

Namjoon smiles showing his tiny dimples. "Okay, who wants to start?"

"How old are you?" Taehyung asks.

"I'll be 19 next month," I say bringing some surprised expressions.

"Where do you work?" Jin asks.

I think of my boring job at Starbucks. I'm supposed to go to work tomorrow, damn it. "I'm a barista at Starbucks. Really boring actually."

"Ooh, I like Starbucks!" Hoseok exclaims.

"Oh really? What do you usually get?" He said I could ask questions right?

"Ah, I like a lot of the menu."

I nod in agreement. That's when my phone starts ringing. Looking at the screen it says "Boo Thang 💗" aka Noah. I have got to change his name, it's really cringey.

"You can take that, it's okay," Namjoon assures.

I smile apologetically and walk out into the hallway. Why do I feel rude for taking this call?

"What's up?" I say answering the call.

"So I get to your house to hang out and maybe some other stuff, and your family tells me you're with your soulmate..?"

Why does he sound so hurt? He would've done the same thing. He told me that.

"Yeah so?"

"So? You're dating me. How do you think I feel about you hanging out with the person that is meant for you?"

I start laughing uncontrollably. There is no way he just said that to me.

"Did the other day just like not happen or what? Cause I remember you telling me that when your soulmate comes along, you would leave me for her. Did you or did you not say that?"

He stays silent not saying a word. He knows what he said, he's just trying to cover it up and make me seem like the bad person.

"I didn't think yours would come before mine.."

"Oh, so it's okay for you to leave me when yours comes along, but it's not okay for me to leave you when mine finally finds me?"

He sighs trying to think of something. "How did he even get there just like that? Magic?"

"Here's some magic for you bud. Poof! You're single. Congratulations for completing a two year relationship. Adios perra feo!" And with that, I hang up. Wow, what a call.

I slip back inside the room to see only Jimin in there. How did they leave the room if they didn't walk out the door?

"Are you okay?" Jimin asks standing up to look at me more closely.

I nod in confusion. "Yeah, why?"

He takes his thumb and wipes a tear out from under my eye. "You're crying."

I guess I didn't even notice. But i'm not even sad. "Um, my eyeball is sweating."

He wraps his arms around me holding me close to him. I do the same and wrap my arms around his tiny waist. Something about his hug and presence alone makes me feel more comfortable to be myself. The tears start rolling out of my eyes one by one soaking up on Jimin's shirt. Great, I hate crying in front of people.

I let go of him and laugh a little. "I'm sorry, I don't ever cry in front of people." Then I look at his drenched shoulder. Lovely. "Also, sorry for that."

We both laugh at the tear stain on his shirt. "It's okay. If it helps, then cry all you want."

"Thank you." I smile at him and wipe a tear away.

"Do you mind telling me what happened?" he asks.

Sitting down, I begin to tell him what happened during the phone call. "It's kind of a long story, but I broke up with my boyfriend. He was being unfair with the whole soulmate thing. I guess it's good that I did since he's not my soulmate."

He frowns and puts his arm around me. "I'm so sorry.. he doesn't deserve you."

I laugh. "Literally."

After some more silence, I hug him again. "Thank you for being here."

He hugs me back and smiles against my skin. "Of course, love."
WHY does Snapchat have that new compass update where you can see how many miles away a person is and in what direction?? ITS JUST LIKE THIS STORYYY BUT NOT A SOULMATE EDITION. i got scared when i saw it i was like "is this a sign?!" 😂😂 anywayssss how do y'all like it so farrr? i'm going on a trip to see my dad and his new girlfriend in two days so i'll have more time to write on the next chapter. I GET TO SEE MY SON (my dog 💀) sorryyy i'm overly excited to see my dog, NOT his girlfriend ahaha! okay i'm leaving now 😅 💗

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