•C H A P T E R 7•

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I wave goodbye to the black vans containing the seven lovely guys and open my front door.

"SHI— the fuck? Y'all scared me what are you doing??"

My whole family and Em are all standing in the doorway like they've been waiting all day for me. Stalkers.

"How did it go?!" Em asks as her eyes land on my Chick-fil-a cup in my hand, then looks back up at me aggressively. "You fool!"

I look at her innocently. "I don't know what your talking about," I say taking a sip out of my styrofoam cup. "Hey why don't y'all let me shower and go to bed instead of blocking every possible exit from this space?"

"Didn't you shower when you woke up? And you slept forever already today," my mom says crossing her arms.

"Heyy," Mara starts, "why don't we all sit down on the couch and you can tell us everything that happened since you left the house?" She yanks my arm pulling me to the living room and pushes me on couch.

"Okay you could've done that more gently sister." I rub my arm as all the couches fill up with people.

"Tell us already!" I look up to see everyone staring at me. Oh boy, they're so fucking nosy.

• • • • • • • • •

"So you're telling me," Em says pausing, "that you and Noah broke up over the phone causing you to go crying into the magically empty hotel room except for Jimin, which lead to him comforting you then the guys came back and brought you to Chick-fil-a to cheer you up even though you said that you're okay?"

I take a second to respond to she can process everything she just said. "Mhm. They're all really nice right?"

"Awe i'm so glad Jimin is you're soulmate, honey. Him and his friends seem like the sweetest boys ever." My mom hugs me out of joy.

Jimin is super sweet and all and gives me more butterflies than Noah ever has, but isn't dating a very famous kpop star going to be really hard to do? I mean, there's sasaeng's and paparazzi and the internet. We can't go out really, we might have to keep it secret for a while, and he's going to be gone a lot for work and tour. What am I going to do?

"I'm gonna get some sleep. Night everyone." I run up our shiny, wooden stairs and into my small childhood bedroom. Plopping down on my queen sized bed, I start crying.

What are these emotions? Am I sad or what? I hardly ever cry, so what's happening? It might be because i'm confused on what to do about my love life. Or it might be that I can't let go of Noah. But I need to, I want to. He's not my soulmate and he would've done the same to me anyways. Maybe I just need to sleep it off. Tomorrow's a new day, so i'll start off fresh.

I turn off my lights and lay down on my bed covering up in three blankets and my comforter. I close my eyes tired from the long day.

*phone rings*

Well there goes my full nights rest. I feel around my side table for my phone until I find it. I answer it without seeing who's calling cause the screens too bright.

"Hello?" I ask tiredly.

"Y/N, I'm so glad you answered! I've been trying to call you for the past hour.."

Ugh it's him again. "Right. So I silenced my phone." I roll my eyes. "What do you want?"

I hear him sigh on the other end. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be all crazy earlier today. I just don't want to lose you. I mean, we've been together for two years and I love you—"

"I'm gonna stop you right there bub. If you really did love me, then you wouldn't have said you'd leave me for your soulmate if she ever were to come around. So what I want you to do is go find your soulmate and see if you still 'love' me. Love lasts forever, Noah and that will be with your soulmate. Not me."

And with that, I end the call and go to sleep peacefully.

~~Jimin's POV~~

It's 1:00 am. Maybe she's still awake? I wouldn't want to wake her if she's sleeping. I'll just text her to see if she's awake.

Jimin: Are you awake?
delivered 1:01 am

A few minutes go by and still no response. Should I text her a small paragraph to wake up to? She had a weird night, so maybe it'll make her day.

Jimin: Hey bb I know you kinda had a rough night last night, we should get some coffee or something today if you wanna talk about it or if you just want to get your mind off of things. If not I totally understand. I hope your day goes well :))
delivered 1:09 am

I put down my phone and hope I can sleep. Memories of today keep running through my head. Today has been so lovely I can't stop thinking about it all. She's even more beautiful than I imagined. And she's shorter than me, which is a plus. She's kinda shy and it makes her even more adorable. Man, how can one person be so perfect?

Two knocks ring through my room. Well great, I have to leave the comfort of my bed. I look through the peephole to see an eyeball staring back. That's not scary at all. I open the door anyways knowing it's one of the guys.

"Jiminie I can't sleep," Taehyung pouts. I smile and roll my eyes opening my door wider for him to come in.

"You're awake too, which means you can't stop thinking about her. OOOOH!"

I playfully push Tae making him stumble onto the bed. He starts to fake cry making me roll my eyes again.

"Jimin how could you! You're so meannn!"

"Get up drama queen I gotta sleep," I say getting back into bed.

"Ugh finee I guess i'll sLeEp." He lays beside me and covers himself with the white comforter. As i'm dozing off, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I turn around and look at him. "What are you doing?"

"Okay you know I have to hug something while I sleep." He give me sad puppy dog eyes until I respond.

"Fine, if it helps you sleep." I turn back around and he wraps his arms around me again. He's already snoring, that was fast. My thoughts go back to Y/N. I can't wait to see her later, well I hope I can see her. We only have a few days left together and they're going to be the best few days of my life.

heyyy. i'm sooo sorry it took so long to write, i'm just gonna say it. i had writers block 😓 it was TERRIBLE like i had no idea what to write. i spent every single day thinking what to write next and i just couldn't think of anything. i had like 300 words written and then finally today i was like "listen here kaiya, we're gonna get this chapter done today and you're not gonna bullshit it either" and looook i finished 😄 may not be the best chapter, but it's something. this will NEVER happen again. also i've been super sick recently and idek why like i'm still sick. it's weird. don't worry i don't have corona lol but it's close symptoms. my birthday is tomorrow and today i'm going to have my friends and my cute ass crush come to the mall with me and then to the beach at sunset for my "party". i'm EXCITED WOO. but also nervous as hell hehe. okay i'm LEAVING HEHE. GOODNIGHT 💜

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