Chapter 25 part 3 Finale

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So I know I may be going a little over board and this update is what I like to call the Christmas break start finale so no more updates of this story until after Christmas sorry my babies but it's how it is.

Sean pov

This is it I'm really getting married like for real for real.

Kelly pov

I can't believe I'm getting married, I hope Sean is as happy as I am.

Sean pov

She's going to actually be my wife. Damn this is so surreal.

Kelly pov

He's gonna be my husband, I hope I make a good wife.

Sean pov

I hope I make a good husband, I'm getting more nervous as the bridesmaids and groomsmen walk down the aisle. I'm anticipating seeing Kelly she probably looks amazing.

Kelly pov

As the last groomsmen men and bridesmaid walk down the aisle. I wait by the double doors to make my entrance I am so nervous but a good nervous.

Sean pov

The doors open and I'm stunned by Kelly's beauty she like I expected looked amazing and I can't believe all that woman is gonna marry me. I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

Kelly pov

As I walked towards Sean he had a huge smile on his face he looked great in his tuxedo everyone in the room looked so beautiful.

Sean pov

I took her hand as she reached me. Wow was she just stunning. She was all mine.

Kelly pov

I handed my bouquet to Beyoncé and everyone took their seats.

Sean pov

This is it I'm marrying Kelly and nothing was gonna stop us.

"We gather here today to join Kelly Rowland and Sean Combs in holy matrimony" The Pastor spoke.

Kelly pov

I looked in the audience and I was shocked that Michelle was actually here she looked pretty I'm glad she came.

"Marriage is something that two people share together as they live on through their lives together " he said I smiled at Sean and he smiled back.

"Sean you may start with your vows to Kelly" he said

Sean cleared his throat.

Sean pov

"Kelly I love you so much words can't describe how happy I am that you came into my life, the day I met you I realized that you mean everything to me I'm just so happy you want me to share the rest of your life with you " I said tearing up she wiped my tears away.

Kelly pov

Aww Sean is so sweet.

"Kelly" the Pastor said

"Sean from day one you taught me how to love not only myself but I loved you. I know that at times I can be a pain but you love me so much that you don't care about my flaws and I've learned to accept your faults they are things that make us special and unique" I said almost crying too.

Bey pov

Aww that is so sweet of them I laid my head on Shawn's shoulder and Solo tapped me

"Bey I need to use the bathroom I'll be back" she said as her and Daniel quietly snuck out to the bathroom.

Sean pov

"Sean put the ring on her finger and say with this ring I thee wed"

"With this ring I thee Wed" I said

"Myself to you Kelly"

"Myself to you Kelly" I repeated

"Giving myself to you and only you"

"Giving myself to you and only you" I placed the ring on her finger

Kelly pov

Then I said what he told me to and put the ring on his finger.

Sean pov

"Do you Sean Combs take Kelly Rowland to be your lawfully wedded wife to promise to love her, honor her, keep yourself only to her for as long as you both shall live"

"I do" I smiled

Kelly pov

"And do you Kelly Rowland take Sean Combs to be your lawfully wedded husband to promise to love him, honor him, to keep yourself only to him for as long as you both shall live"

"I do"

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