#17 «Frosted hearts; Rejoice!»

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Frosted hearts; Rejoice! - a haiku chain

Niveous hillsides
Vast non-reflective mirrors
Mirage of splendor

Caressed by zephyrs
Gently whirling crystal mist
Winter suspended

Cerulean vault
Canvass of pure brilliance
Soundless orchestra

Crescent greenery
Unhurried re-emergence

Verdant canopies
Extramundane appearance
Frosted hearts; rejoice!

Webster's definitions:

Niveous (of or relating to snow; snowy)

Mirage: (something illusory and unattainable)

Zephyr (a gentle breeze)

Cerulean (the blue of the sky)

Vault (something (such as the sky) resembling a vault)

Crescent (growing, increasing)

Verdant (green in tint or colour; green with growing plants)

Extramundane (outside or beyond the physical world)

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