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Mia chill , officer Brad said as I rushed into the police station.
Just like I motherfucking thought, Jon ain't have a fuck business being around Jason.  Jason was arrested for drugs, when they pulled the car over it was full of coke and marijuana.

Where is he? I yelled as Brad grabbed me. Officer Brad was also a coach at Miami high, he knew me good, so good that he personally called me to come get Jonathan stupid ass.
Don't he know this can fuck him up? I yelled as another officer walked Jonathan to me.
You see what I was saying? I yelled as he looked down at me. Now say Coach Brad didn't know you? Your ass would of got them charges, you are, you no what? I don't have time for this, I cried because I was scared for one because it was 5 in the morning and this boy wasn't home and I knew he was in trouble.

Mia he cooed as I walked out the police station with tears everywhere. No don't say shit to me I yelled as Sed waited for me outside . I needed him so I called him over around 2 because I was worried about my brother.
You don't get to talk. You are so fucking hard headed , I yelled as Candy pulled up.
I'm sorry Mia he cried as Nea hugged him.

I don't want to hear none of that , you knew I was right, I will never mislead you. I yelled as I got in my car.
This boy had me stressing, I called his phone 100 times no answer. I drove the city looking for him, thank God Brad knew us.
1 p.m
Waking up to Sed laying next to me, he was here to comfort me so I wasn't gonna be mean to him. I loved him I just hated his ways and his momma.

Going to the bathroom I did my morning here. I was beyond pissed with Jonathan, he knew better & he knew that I would never tell him nothing wrong.

Morning Mia, Jon said as he looked at me. It's not morning its noon and good afternoon Jon, I meanly said as he looked at me.
I'm sorry Mia please forgive me, I know I was wrong and I know I should have listened, please Mia please forgive me, I promise I want disrespect you again he said as I looked at him.

You know that call could of been different, they could of called me saying you was dead, do you not understand that? I screamed as he put his head down. Do you know how that would have killed me? To know that I have been so strict on y'all and I let you do something stupid like go out with a nigga who ain't got no future and he get you killed?

That would of killed me and that's the reason I do what I do for y'all, and that's why I'm so mean, I don't want to bury y'all, I want y'all to have something that was taken from me, I could of been a great dancer or cheerleader , I was that good but a fuck boy took all of that from me, and I'm not gonna let nobody take nothing from y'all if I can get y'all to just listen and trust me, I explained as both of them cried .

I do what I do for my babies, I kissed and busted ass to be great for them . I'll be 21 in two months, I have my own house, its not my dream house and I wish I could afford a bigger house but I'm okay with 3 bedroom. I drive a nice car & my bank account is nice. I save so they want never need to ask anyone for nothing . I do both of their hair , put them in shit my mom could never buy for them. All I wanted was them to be great.

Two hours later, I talked and preached to both of them, Jon was taking Nea to prom with him because he said he wanted to be the first boy who did everything for her because she was his baby sister.
Sitting him down in the salon chair I had home, I wasn't gonna let him go because I felt he fucked up and I wasn't praising him when he was wrong, but I knew he deserved  it. But I let him know that he needed to be wise and it's okay to want to hang with your friends and other family but you need to make better decisions.

5 p.m
Why you look so handsome I cooed as Candy took pictures. I didn't mine them coming around and being in my siblings life because they're their siblings to, I just didn't want them trying be here for him now because everyone knew he was gonna be great and I'm pretty sure everybody gonna want to be in the spot light. It definitely was gonna be a roll caster I just prayed he keep his faith and do what's right.

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