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Why you doing all that? (my mammy) asked as I went off on her as she walked out my house.

The same reason you came here acting like you are the best person in the world. The same reason you left your fucking kids with a child, you left your kids with me to take care of, the reason their great and the reason you driving that 100,000 dollar car is because I made sure he was great.
Now when he got 18 and left my house then he started fucking up but he is who is today because I was on his ass and doing your job, I yelled as Sed and Jonathan stood in front of me

Renae is straight and have a bank account with over 200,000 thousand because of me, I saved and made sure she took her ass to school, even after you came and took MY BABY, from me and sent her on a bus back to me, I had her ass together I cried.

Shit Daniel is the only one you help by sending him to his daddy, but that was a whole 4 years later after I took care of your child with special needs, so don't try to act like you did so much for me, their great because of me, I yelled as she just looked at me.

I'm still your momma and you still gonna respect me Mia, I'm the reason you are here, she said as her mom just looked at me.
Momma you right , thank you for birthing me but please cut the bullshit. You around here telling bitches lies, tell everyone the truth, stop trying to act like I am bitter because of nothing , we all know why I'm so bitter, and why I don't fuck with you like that.

You are free to be in your kids life, I did my part as a big sister . I'm okay with them knowing you and loving on you, stop telling bitches I'm holding your kids against you or I'm blocking you for seeing them.
I tell them to call and check on you so? I explain as Jonathan hugs me.

Yeah momma, you are wrong for making it seem like Mia blocking us or doing anything to stop us from seeing you.
Mama I don't fuck with you because you came and took me from Mia for nothing.
The dude you was staying with kiss me and I told you and you kicked me out, Renae said shocking the fuck out of me because she ain't tell me that and I damn sure ain't no that shit.

What? I yelled as I looked at Renea, he did what? I asked as my momma covered her face.
The only reason I didn't tell you Mia and I'm sorry but I knew what you had went through and I ain't want to make no trouble, she said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Not thinking I just attacked my momma.

Man let go, fuck Sed said as he yanked me off  her.
I'm not gonna lie she was tagging me but I was giving it to her

Bitch you cross the line, you are so stupid. How you let someone kiss and try your fucking DAUGHTER????? I yelled as Sed carried me in the house with both my siblings helping him.

How dare you I cried , trying to get back outside but all three of them was blocking me.

You should of told me that, I would of beat that bitch ass, I cried as Renea hugged me tightly.

Pushing her I was so upset with her now,
Why you didn't tell me that? I told you to tell me everything, I would of killed her and him, I said as I pointed my finger at her.
I'm sorry Mia I didn't want you stressing anymore she cried as she hugged me again.

Breaking completely down, I just hated the fact that a nigga tried my baby at all. It brought back so many memories.
Just holding me Sed was my comfort. Renea and Jonathan went back outside to talk to their mom.

I was so over her.

Applying straight dick to Mia , she wanted to be fucked and that's what I was doing.
Kissing her neck as I made love to her body.

Today was bad, she fought her momma and Renea told their momma off, I mean really bad. Jonathan was trying to be mutual but he knew Mia was right.

I felt so bad for her, but she did that to her self, I would never leave my kids with nobody , and I think she really think it was Mia job to take care of her children, like she forgot Mia was her baby to.

After sex, I of course cleaned myself and her up.

Going downstairs, my girls was up and making a mess. What are y'all doing up this late? I asked them as they ate out of the cereal box.
We was hungry daddy, Ayah said as Aaliyah just laughs.
Y'all ate a big dinner and y'all still hungry at midnight? I asked them as I sat next to them.

They couldn't do no wrong in my eyes, so I just joined them.

4:05 a.m
Carrying them upstairs, they had went to sleep on me hours ago.
Hearing the sound of glass smashed it shook me a little.
What the fuck? I said as I slowly shut their room door.
Going into our room I grabbed my gun. Babe, I cooed waking her up. Shhh something going on downstairs, put some clothes on and call the police, I whispered as the sound of more glass smashing.

Walking down the stairs with my gun draw, I could hear Jonathan fighting with someone.

Man let him go now, I yelled as I took the safe off my gun. Not knowing she was behind me until she turned the lights on.

Let him go now , before I put this 9 in your ass, she warned as the other person put his hands up.

You weak as fuck , you come into my house for what? To kill my brother because he told the truth? Mia said as she walked close to Jason as he still had Jonathan in a choke hold.

Let him the fuck go she demanded as I pointed my gun at the other dude.

Pushing Jonathan , I would of thought , dude would of been afraid knowing she was pointing a gun to his head.

Pop pop pop , the sound of that gun echoing in my ears , I was shock that my girl just shot this dude 3 times in the upper body.

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