Chapter 3: Hunting and Adventure

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AN: Okay, let's clear something up. Artemis, Percy, and Apollo are mentally fourteen to sixteen but in the mortal way of counting, they are only three. So... they will NOT act like three years old but sometimes they will still be a little immature.


======= Previously on The Rise of Night =======

Leto nodded in understanding. She decided to ask Athena a question. "Do you know where we could stay tonight, at least until I can finish building our home?"

"Poseidon and I could help you build your house if you want," Athena suggested. Leto nodded in thanks. "As for where you should stay, I know about this cave..."

======= Three Years Later =======

"Dad!" Percy shouted from his room. "Can I go out to explore today?"

"Ask your mom!" Poseidon shouted back from the living room.

Percy, not really caring if his mom said yes or no, grabbed his backpack for exploring and went out of his room toward the kitchen. His mom, Athena, was baking blue cookies. He quickly grabbed one and shoved it into his mouth.

"Cwan I gow owt two explowe the iswland twoday?" Percy asked with his mouth full of cookies. Athena looked at her son with disapproval.

"Ask me that again when you finish your cookies, "Athena scolded. "Don't talk with your mouth full of food."

Percy quickly finished his cookies, eager to start exploring. "Can I go out to explore today?"

"Be home before dark young man," Athena said, ruffling her son's hair.

"Mooom," Percy complains. "I'm not a little kid anymore."

His mom chuckled. "I called you a young man, didn't I?"

Percy was left speechless. You could never out-smart the Goddess of Wisdom, even if you were her son.

"Be careful son," Poseidon said, coming out of the living room. "You never know what is out there."

"I will! Bye!" Percy called out, giving both of them a hug before racing out the door to find Artemis, who, along with Apollo, became his best friend. He ran towards their house, knocking on the door.

Leto opens the door. "Hi, Percy!"

"Hi, Leto!" Percy said cheerfully. "Are Artemis and Apollo here?"

Leto gave him a sad smile. "You came a little too late. Artemis and Apollo went hunting. They both went different ways, though," Leto answered with a thoughtful look on her face.

"Thank you anyway," Percy said as he gave Leto a wave and went out exploring the island.

"Kids these days," Leto mumbled before closing the door. "Growing up so fast."

======= Line Break =======

Percy jogged toward the beach where he decided he wanted to explore today. The beach was beautiful, white sand contrasting a bright blue ocean. Tons of sea and sand critters walked around, living their lives merrily on Delos. Percy walked up to a cliff, prepared to jump into the water below. Since his father was Poseidon, he could breathe underwater, making him like the water even more since he could stay in there forever. Plus, he wouldn't get wet!

"Where should I explore today?" Percy mumbled to himself. A thought popped into his head. The underwater cave!

He remembered reading about it in one of the books in his mother's study. It said that there are many underwater caves around Delos. Ever since Delos had set down roots, more and more mortals have been coming to this island, exploring. But they couldn't explore the way Percy could.

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