Chapter 18: A Call For War

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AN: Hi my wonderful readers! Could you believe that there is only fourteen chapters left? (While, thirteen after I publish this chapter) So from now on, I would try to update every other day or (If I have ideas) every day. How does that sound?

Anyways, remember to vote and comment! Now dive into the world of The Rise of Night...


======= Previously on The Rise of Night =======

Percy waited for a few moments, and smiled in relief when no one, not even Zeus, spoke against the union. He looked at his parents with unconcealed glee and pronounced the final words, the words that would tie Poseidon and Athena for good. "In that case, by the power invested in me by Zeus, King of the Olympian Gods and Hera, Queen of the Olympian Gods, I declare you, Poseidon, and you, Athena, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

======= Now =======

Athena leaned forward at the same time Poseidon did. Their lips met halfway and the crowd erupted into cheers. They pulled apart soon after, a sweet and bright smile on their faces, lighting up their world.

They walked hand in hand as they went down the aisle, toward the party, toward a new beginning for them.

"Congratulations," were thrown at them here and there. Their son then came up to them with Artemis.

"Congratulations!" Percy said again, causing Artemis to roll her eyes.

"How many times do you need to say that?"

"As many times as I want," Percy said with an innocent smile on his face. Artemis was too tired to laugh as it had been a long day for everyone. From the moment the sun peeked through above the horizon, everyone had been busy preparing. Now the sun was almost below the horizon and people were finally partying.

"Aren't you two going to perform a song?" Percy asked his parents. They smiled and nodded. "Should I announce it to everyone?"

"Sure," Athena agreed. Percy clinged his spoon against his glass, making a loud sound that quieted the guests. Everyone looked toward Percy's table.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Percy started before announcing the news. "My parents have decided that they will sing you guys a song, so..."

Artemis rolled her eyes for the hundredth time as Percy trails off and Poseidon and Athena walked toward the stage at the center of the wedding.

Athena sat down on the piano, surprising lots of people. Since when could the wisdom goddess play the piano?

"Did you know your mom plays the piano?" Artemis whispered to Percy as the lights turned darker and everyone turned their attention to the newlywed couple.

"Yeah," Percy whispered back as he took Artemis' hand in his own. "I heard her practicing."

"Is she any good?" Artemis asked.

"Of course," was Percy's answer before Athena started playing. Poseidon started singing as well.

[Poseidon, Athena, both]

"Once in a lifetime

Means there's no second chance

So I believe that you and me

Should grab it while we can

Make it last forever

And never give it back

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