Chapter 17: The First Happy Ending

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AN: Hello readers! Today, I need to shout out to bornthisway2012! She wrote the wedding scene and I wrote the rest! Be sure to check out her story. 

Today there is an extra long chapter! Enjoy! Remember to vote and comment!


======= Previously on The Rise of Night =======

Percy gave Artemis a smirk. "You will stay with me, right?"

"Of course!" Artemis said before crawling under the covers. She snuggled into her boyfriend's chest before falling asleep instantly. Percy fell asleep soon after. It has been a long day for both of them.

======= Now =======

Artemis woke up on top of Percy, making her blush and quickly get off of him. As she tries to get off, Percy hugs her closer to him.

"Morning," Percy said. Artemis blushed and tried to shrug his arms off her. Percy pouted. "Don't you like my hug?"

"I do," Artemis said quickly. "It's just-"

Percy let her go, a concerned look on his face. "Did I do something to you?"

"No," Artemis protested. "It's just that I'm not used to all of this. When I was with Orion, he was sometimes terrible and sometimes delightful. I never knew what to expect."

Artemis slowly used her hands to make Percy wrap his hands around her. "You make me safe. I want you with me."

Percy smiles and hugs her tighter. "I would never hurt you. I will always be with you."

Artemis smiles brightly before kissing him softly on the lips and laying down beside him, his arms wrapped around her protectively.

They both fell asleep again in each other's embrace.

======= Line Break =======

Athena woke up, remembering what happened last night as a smile appeared on her face. She awoke beside Poseidon, as she had been for the past few decades.

"Morning, Thena," Poseidon said as he turned toward her. "What do you want to do today?"

"We probably need to tell my father about this whole thing. I don't think he will be happy about it though," Athena stated. "We need a plan."

Poseidon mentally facepalmed. Athena needs a plan for everything. Athena got off the bed quietly and started pacing the room, mumbling about different plans, giving Poseidon a headache.

"Athena," Poseidon called out. She didn't reply.

"Athena!" He called again. This time, she turned her head toward him.

"What?" She said, irritated. She was trying to make a plan so they could survive her father. Plus, they needed to tell their son that they were getting married.

"Can you stop pacing? You're giving me a headache," Poseidon said aloud. Athena glared at him.

"You come up with a plan then!" She half shouted. Poseidon rubbed his temple.

"Okay. So we tell my brother Zeus about-" He cut himself off. "Wow, that sounds weird. I'm marrying my niece!"

"Don't think about it," Athena demanded, even though she was freaking out herself.

"Not thinking about it," Poseidon said. "So as I was saying, my plan is to just tell Zeus and bam! He agrees, no big deal."

"Do you know how hard it is to get Zeus to agree to something?" Athena asked, giving Poseidon a weird look.

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