Chapter 22: Little One

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======= Previously on The Rise of Night =======

"Your weapon is actually useful. Duck!" Hera shouted as she threw a throwing knife at Aphrodite who ducked just in time as the throwing knife sailed above her head and hit a monster behind her, the spell wearing off.

As everyone continued fighting, Percy and Artemis appeared in Olympus, shocked at what they discovered.

======= Now =======

They quickly broke out of their shock and summoned their own weapons, joining the fight. Artemis summoned her weapon of power, her bow, and Percy summoned his sword (AN: Not Riptide).

Percy fought like a demon, slashing through monster after monster, Artemis by his side, shooting any of them that got close.

They ran toward Athena and Poseidon, Poseidon waving at them before stabbing a monster behind him. "How was the honeymoon?"

"Great!" Percy shouted over the noises, stabbing another monster as he did so. "It was great!"

"This is a weird way to end it," Artemis commented as she shot a monster behind Percy.

"I agree," Athena added just as Hera and Aphrodite ran toward them.

"Any plan?" Hera asked, out of breath. Everyone was too busy to reply to her. Aphrodite still had no weapon but the perfume bottle.

"What can you do with that perfume bottle?" Percy and Athena shouted over the fighting. "Does it do anything?"

"This," Aphrodite replied before spraying the bottle. Everyone coughed as the perfume surrounded them. "This acts as a force field."

The others nodded, taking advantage of the force field. Artemis shot as many arrows as she could, Percy and Hera used their swords, Athena with her spear, and Poseidon with his trident.

Monsters seemed to decrease as this happened and Hades and Persephone made their way toward the group. Hephaestus and Hermes went as well. Zeus and Ares, seeing where everyone was going went there as well, slashing left and right as he made his way toward his family.

"What is everyone doing here?" Poseidon called out.

"No idea," Athena replied. As all of the gods on the battlefield walked toward the group formed, the monsters slowly walked toward there as well, as if they were drawn toward their enemies. An idea started forming in Athena's brain.

"Guys!" she called out, stabbing another monster as she did so. "The monsters are drawn to us, meaning if we stayed in this circle this will be the only place they will be in. So if we use Aphrodite's uh, weapon, we could create a forcefield and kill monsters. And we could keep doing that until they disappear."

"But the monsters keep coming," Artemis protested as she ducked, Demeter's hunting knife sailing over her head.

"We should at least try," Athena called out again as she ran forward, jumping onto a monster's back and stabbing it, jumping off as it disappeared.

"I agree!" Zeus called out as he zapped another monster.

"So do I," Poseidon, Hades, and Percy called out.

"I agree as well," Artemis, Apollo, Hestia, and Hephaestus called out, each fighting their own monster while doing so.

"I agree," the reminding gods called out as well.

Athena looked at Aphrodite, telling her what to do. Aphrodite nodded her head and sprayed the perfume bottle, but not before an ear-piercing scream as a monster's teeth sank into Athena's shoulder, almost biting it off. Artemis' arrow found its mark as the monster disappeared.

The echoes of "Mom", "Athena", "Daughter," "Thena" were called out as Athena collapsed on the ground. Percy, Poseidon, Apollo, and Hestia ran toward her.

She managed to wheeze out, "Kill the monster first, worry about me later."

They nodded, all having newfound energy to kill whatever monster was in their path. What they did to Athena was unacceptable. The gods worked as a team for once, no arguing, no bickering, only teamwork.

Most of them dropped their weapons, starting to use their powers as well. Hades summoned skeleton after skeleton, Zeus made a thunderstorm that didn't touch them. Demeter and Persephone used their power to restrain monsters as Artemis and Percy finished them off.

Hephaestus was throwing fireball after fireball, protecting the group from any harm. Hera and Aphrodite were working together again, Hera was now using throwing knives as Aphrodite used her charmspeak.

Poseidon was the scariest, using both his water power and his trident to finish off the monsters. Ares was screaming "Die!" as he stabbed monster after monster, enjoying himself. Hestia and Apollo were healing Athena, making sure she was okay.

Surprisingly, the monsters disappeared one after another, and slowly, there were no monsters left to fight. They all breathed out a sigh of relief and most of them fainted from using too much power. Everyone had a wound or two but none too serious.

Percy, Poseidon, and Artemis were the first to rush toward Athena. "I'm going to take her to my temple to heal," Apollo told them as he flashed them away.

"Go," Hestia told the three of them. "I can handle things here."

They nodded a thanks to Hestia before the three of them flashed away.

======= Line Break =======

"She will recover soon," Apollo informed them. "But for now, she shouldn't use her hand too much, it could reopen the wound. Oh, and make sure to eat lots of ambrosia, it will help with the healing process."

"Thank you, Apollo," Poseidon said sincerely.

"Of course," Apollo replied with a small smile. "Just doing my job."

He then turned to Artemis, who was trying to back away from him. Percy gave her a frown and squeezed her hand. "You okay?"

"Fine," Artemis mumbled.

"You, on the other hand," Apollo started, looking at his twin sister, "Need to come with me. I've something I want to discuss with you."

"I'm fine," Artemis replied firmly, waving away the concerned gazes. "Nothing to worry about."

Apollo sighed before he dragged her into another room.

======= Line Break ======

"You're pregnant," were the first words that came out of Apollo's mouth the second they were alone.

"Yes," Artemis replied, looking kind of tired. "How do you know?"

Apollo rolled his eyes. "I'm a doctor. I see all, know all."

Artemis rolled her eyes as well. "Whatever."

"When are you telling Percy?" Apollo asked.

"Soon," Artemis promised as she stood up. "Now excuse me, I'm going to go rest."

"Women," Apollo mumbled under his breath as he walked out after her.

AN: Okay guys, another chapter done today! The next chapter will be published on Tuesday!

So how was this chapter? Good? Bad? Okay? Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it. Remember to favorite, follow, and leave a review/comment!

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