Chapter 14: The First Great Prophecy

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======= Previously on The RIse of Night =======

The last word she heard before she fell asleep was Percy kissing her forehead and telling him,. "I love you."

She fell into a peaceful sleep, dreaming about a bright future. Oh, how wrong she was. Her future would be full of hardship before it got bright again.

======= Now =======

"Morning, Arty," Percy said softly. Artemis opened her bright silver eyes only to be met with sea-green ones.

"Morning!" Artemis said cheerfully before pulling Percy into a hug and whispering to him, "I love you too."

Percy's face lit up with a smile as he let go of Artemis. "Do you mean what you said?"

"Do you mean what you said?" Artemis countered back with a smile. They both burst out laughing. Finally, Artemis answered Percy's question first. "Yes. I meant what I said."

"So did I," Percy whispered back. Without thinking, they both leaned forward.

"You know I will never leave you, right?" Artemis asked. They both leaned forward a little more.

"I know," Percy answered before he closed the last space between them, kissing Artemis.

Artemis leaned into the kiss. This kiss felt different from the kisses Orion gave her. This kiss felt sweet and caring, while Orion's kissing felt rushed and rough. They pulled away a second later.

"Does that mean you will be my girlfriend?" Percy asked with hope evident in his voice. Artemis smiled before giving him another kiss. "I'll take that as a yes."

======= Line Break =======

"Want to go on our first date?" Percy asked Artemis after breakfast. "I have a perfect place in mind."

"Sure," Artemis told him with a smile. "Where to?"

"You'll see," Percy said with a mysterious smile on his face. He held out his hand for Artemis to take. Artemis took it with a light blush on her cheeks before they both disappeared into mist.

"I haven't seen milady this happy in a while," Phoebe, a hunter and daughter of Ares said.

"I know," Zoë answered beside her best friend. "I know."

======= Line Break =======

Back with Percy and Artemis, they were on a date in, you guessed it, Delos.

"I really haven't visited this place in a long time," Artemis said, looking around. "Nothing has changed."

Percy smiled. "Remember how we were talking about Emerald yesterday?" Artemis nodded her head. "Well, I decide we should visit her again."

"Best boyfriend ever!" Artemis half-shouted as she buried her face in the crook of Percy's neck. Percy hugged her back.

"Now come on! We don't have all day," Percy shouted as he took Artemis' hand in his own and they ran toward the water.

======= Line Break =======

Leto was in her house, cooking for herself when she heard laughter coming from outside her window. She hadn't seen anyone for a few years now. As far as she was concerned, Delos is her prison. Zeus had locked her in there for what? For being a titan! What kind of nonsense was that?

She looked out the window and saw the surprise of her life. Artemis and Percy were out there, playing like they did when they still lived there. Leto rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

When she was sure that she wasn't dreaming, she ran out of her front door and embraced both Artemis and Percy in a three-way hug.

They immediately hugged her back. "Mom," Artemis said before hugging her even tighter.

"What are you guys doing back here?" Leto asked. They both blushed and Leto had a smirk on her face. "Tell me."

"Uh..." Percy started. "I am taking Artemis out on a date."

Leto laughed. "I always thought you two would end up dating. Take care of her, okay? Oh, and don't get her pregnant too soon."

"Moooom!" Artemis complained, both her and Percy's faces bright red.

Leto laughed and hugged them again. She still couldn't really believe they were here. Suddenly, both Artemis and Percy felt themselves being called to an emergency council meeting.

"We need to go, mom," Artemis started. "Emergency council meeting."

Leto nodded in understanding. "Just come to visit soon!"

"We will!" Percy said before disappearing with Artemis. Leto had a smile on her face the whole week.

======= Line Break =======

Apollo was walking around Olympus when he felt like throwing up. He felt something trying to possess him. And that something looked like a snake. A headache was also starting.

He did the first thing that came to his mind. He flashed to the throne room and immediately called an emergency meeting.

Everyone flashed in one by one. The ones that caught Apollo's eyes were how Artemis and Percy flashed in together, their eyes holding joy. Little did Apollo know, they just visited his mother.

"Why did you call this meeting, my son?" Zeus demanded. Hera rolled her eyes at her husband.

"Well..." Apollo started. But before he could do anything,he couldn't hold back that monster any longer and it escaped him.

Artemis watched in panic as her brother's normal blue eyes turned green with smoke coming out of them. His spoke, but his voice sounded like a bunch of snakes hissing.

"The stormy skies bellow in rage,

The oath of the eternal virgin must change,

Aided by wisdom, love, and war,

A child she shall bear.

The lady of night shall plot his doom,

But aided by the hearth, he shall fend off all gloom"

He collapsed on the ground.

AN: From now on, my update schedule with be irregular. It could range from one to three days. Let's hope that I could publish another chapter tomorrow!

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