Chapter 11: Promise

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AN: Sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday. I was editing chapters 9 and 10. 

So if you haven't already, RE-READ CHAPTERS 9 AND 10! I change quite a few things. Seeing that lots of people think that I am rushing those two chapters and that Percy shouldn't forgive Artemis that easily.

If you haven't read the edited version of chapter 9 and 10 go re-read it! If you already have, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of The Rise of Night! Enjoy!


======= Previously on The Rise of Night =======

Artemis shook her head and put her hand on top of Percy's, her best friends' hand. "I could never hate you."

With that, Percy leaned forward slightly, before putting his lips on Artemis'.

======= Now =======

After a second when Artemis didn't kiss back, Percy pulled away. "I'm sorry," he said, before running out of the Olympian garden.

"Wait!" Artemis shouted before chasing after him. She didn't mean to make him feel he did something wrong. She was just shocked. She ran out of the Olympian Garden, sighing when she didn't see Percy.

She returned to her hunter's camp, laying in her bed. She touched her lips, where Percy had just kissed her. She had to admit she likes it. Better solve this problem tomorrow, she thought before she fell into a not-so-dreamless sleep.

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All Percy could think of as he tried to fall asleep was how much he must have messed up his relationship with Artemis forever now. He knew Artemis wouldn't feel the same way, why did he do it then?

He sighed again before laying down on his bed, trying to fall asleep. He was in for one restless night.

======= Line Break =======

Artemis knocked on Percy's door the next morning, wanting to explain to him what happened yesterday. Percy opened the door, but when he saw Artemis, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you doing here?"

"I want to clear things up with you," Artemis started. Percy sighed before allowing Artemis to come into his house. Artemis had woken up early this morning, trying to write her apology speech for Percy. She lost count of all the apology speeches she had written and thrown away. In the end, she decided she would just go with the flow.

"Please," Artemis pleaded as they settled down on the chairs. "You have to forgive me."

"Why would I?" Percy asked almost mockingly. You have broken me way more times than I could count, Percy wanted to add, but he knew he shouldn't. Deep down in his heart, he knew Artemis meant well. Everyone made a mistake once in a while.

Artemis was hurt. She sighed before standing up. "This is a bad idea."

Before she could stand up and leave, Percy grabbed her wrist. "Sorry, please go on."

She looked at Percy almost uncertainly before sitting down again. "I know I have done a lot of horrible things to you but I really hope you can forgive me. I can't live with myself knowing that I hurt you. Please, could we be friends again?"

Percy thought for a while. He hadn't really felt like it was Artemis' fault. He felt like it was both of their faults. They both did something wrong, this is how they ended up here. "I forgive you, only if you promise me one thing."

"What?" Artemis asked eagerly. She would do anything she could to just be friends with Percy again. "Promise me you will never leave me out again. I won't ever leave you out either, I swear on the River Styx."

Artemis smiled. "Of course! I swear on the River Styx I won't ever leave you out again."

Thunder boomed overhead, sealing both of their oaths. Percy leaned forward and hugged Artemis. "I don't want to be your friend though," Percy said thoughtfully.

Artemis had a fearful look on her face as Percy continued on. "I want to be your best friend."

Artemis punched Percy playfully. "Of course I will be your best friend! But just don't scare me like that ever again."

Percy laughed. "Of course."

======= Line Break =======

Percy knocked on his dad's door. He still hadn't visited him after his talk with his mom. When no one came to answer, he quietly walked in. He walked toward the bedroom, where his dad must still be sleeping. It is still pretty early.

He walked into the bedroom, which was the biggest mistake of his life. His parents were in there- oh no. He quickly ran out of their room quietly and tried to erase the image he saw in his head. He could never unsee that. He shuddered and walked to the living room and sat down.

He summoned a book and started reading. Soon, he put his hands to his ears and started humming loudly. Any music was better than his parent's "music". He shuddered again.

He then heard the bedroom door open through his godly hearing so he took out his earphone and waited for his parents to come out of the room. When they came out, they were both not wearing any clothes. "PUT ON SOME CLOTHES!" Percy shouted and covered his eyes. "COME ON!"

The said couple blushed before snapping their fingers and putting some clothes on. "Can I look now?" Percy asked uncertainly.

"Yep," Poseidon said. Percy openED his eyes only to meet with his parent's sea-green and grey ones. Both of their cheeks were red and they were blushing hard. "So, what are you doing here?"

Percy ignored his dad. "I'm not going to have any siblings, am I?"

They both shook their heads quickly, turning even redder if that was possible. Percy decided to finally answer his dad's question. "Oh, I was looking for you dad. I could always come back later if you want."

"No, it's fine," Poseidon said before sitting down across from his son. "You haven't visited in a while."

"I know," Percy said as a grin made its way to his face. "That's why I'm here!"

Athena sat down beside her son. "I told you to see your father right away. How long have you last talked to me?"

"A few days?" Percy replied innocently. Both Athena and Poseidon laughed softly before walking toward the dining table.

"Come on," Athena said. "We haven't eaten together for a long time."

The family stayed together the whole day, enjoying their time together as a family. Little did they know, two goddesses were spying on them.

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