Chapter 19: Keep Up With The Time

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AN: Sorry for the long wait. I've been working on The Forbidden Land lately and don't really have the time to write this. But don't worry, I've come with another chapter today!


======= Previously on The Rise of Night ======

"Be prepare-pare-pared," The woman said the last word as she disappeared as quickly as she had appeared, taking all the shadows with her.

Thunder soon bloomed in the sky, signaling a council meeting.

======= Now =======

Every god, minor or major, flashed into the council meeting, a scared look on their face. It wasn't every day a Primordial goddess came to Olympus and declared war.

"Are you okay?" Poseidon asked a shaking Apollo as they flashed into the throne room.

"Fine," Apollo said softly before making his way to his throne and collapsing on it. The night had taken away a lot of his energy.

"Is he okay?" Persephone asked with concern. She had always been sweet to everyone.

"Yeah," Athena replied. "The night just drained a lot of energy because his domain is the day."

Persephone nodded in understanding before Zeus started the meeting.

"Citizen of Olympus," Zeus thundered. "I have called you here to discuss our battle strategies. We have at least a year to prepare. Anyone have any ideas?"

Ares raised his hand. "Oh! Oh!"

"Ares," Zeus called with a frown. "What's your idea?"

"So, we don't wait for them to attack, we just send an army there and kill everyone. Easy peasy," Ares decided. Athena glared at him.

"It's not that easy," she started. "They are probably prepared for an attack, so we can't attack them directly." Athena's eyes lit up as an idea came to her mind. "What if we cut off their supplies? So they don't have weapons and we have more chance to win?"

"Good idea," Zeus decided. Percy rolled his eyes and whispered to Artemis.

"He can't come up with ideas, so he thinks every idea is good," Artemis chuckled softly and hit him playfully.

"Don't make me laugh," she whispered back.

"Anyone else have an idea?" Zeus asked again. When no one raised their hand, Zeus decided. "I think we should train the demigods better as well. Greek and Roman should fight together."

He looked proud of his idea. Athena countered back, "But Greek and Roman demigods- or gods, for that matter- don't get along well. What if they started fighting each other while the war is occuring? That would only weaken us."

"Good point," Zeus mused. "What if we let them bond during this time so they will have a better relationship during the war?"

When no one said a word, Zeus decided that it was a great idea and called out, "Council dismissed."

======= Line Break =======

"Are we still going on our honeymoon?" Athena asked her husband when they got back to their house.

"Of course," Poseidon replied instantly. He snapped his fingers and a suitcase appeared in his hand. "All packed! You ready?"

"Of course," Athena replied, gesturing to her suitcase by the door. "Let's go."

She laced her hand through Poseidon's as they disappeared in a bright light.

"Is this the right place?" Athena asked as sweat dripped down her forehead. Poseidon looked confused.

"What is this place?" he wondered out loud as he stared at the pale blue lake in front of him. The water swayed to the music of the wind as the water sparkled under the sunlight.

The heat burned their skin as they stood under it, only wanting to go back to Olympus. "Get me out of here," Athena all but shouted at Poseidon.

"Working on it," Poseidon said as they disappeared in bright light again, this time in the right place. Hawaii, here they come!

======= Line Break =======

"Are you okay?" Artemis asked Percy as she saw him fiddle with something in this pocket again.

He had a distant look in his eyes when he answered her. "Yeah, all fine."

Artemis stood in front of him with a hand on his shoulder. "Are you sure?"

"Yep," Percy replied again before giving her a small smile and walking toward their bedroom. "I'm going to go to bed. It's been a long day."

"I'll go with you," Artemis said with a smile plastered on her face as she walked to their room with Percy.

Percy didn't know how he should do this. He wasn't going to do it this soon, but with a war over their shoulder, he felt like he should propose sooner rather than later. Like today, maybe, Percy thought to himself as he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling.

He turned to Artemis next to him, a smile on her face as she slept and some of her hair falling over her face.

He then got an idea when he saw her hand on her side. He quickly took out the ring and slid it into her finger. He fell asleep with the biggest smile on his face.

======= Line Break =======

"What do you want to do today?" Poseidon asked his wife when they woke up in the beach house they rented for their honeymoon.

"I have something in mind," Athena said with a smile. "How about-"

She was cut off by Poseidon. "Oh! I know! I could take you on a dolphin ride. Have you ever done that before?"

"No," Athena answered honestly. "It sounds fun, though."

"Of course it's fun!" Poseidon laughed. He grabbed Athena's hand. "Come on!"

Athena laughed as she followed Poseidon toward the beach.

======= Line Break =======

Artemis woke up seeing Percy's sea-green eyes. She yelped in surprise. "Don't you think it's weird watching people sleep?"

"Nope," Percy announced. "I think you're cute when you sleep."

A blushed made its way up Artemis' cheeks. "You're too nice you know?"

"That's my job," Percy said proudly. "To make you feel nice and loved."

Artemis leaned forward and gave him a kiss. "You're doing a great job at it."

She held up her hand and brushed it against Percy's cheek. Suddenly, she noticed something different. Something shining against the light of the sunlight streaming through their window.

She held up her hand in front of her and gasped. It was a ring, simple yet elegant. She looked toward Percy, who had the biggest smile on his face Artemis had ever seen.

"Will you marry me?" Percy asked. Artemis could hear how nervous he was.

"Of course," Artemis answered without hesitation before she kissed him again. When they pulled apart, Artemis had a teasing smile on her face. "How long did it take you to think of a way to propose?"

"A few seconds actually," Percy replied with a smug look on his face. "I just saw your hand yesterday and I was like, why not?"

Artemis laughed and punched him playfully. "You really are a seaweed brain!"

"I try," Percy said with a grin on his face as they both got out of bed, ready for a new day.

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