Chapter 21: A Weird Vacation

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======= Previously on The Rise of Night =======

Everyone cheered. The hunters made up most of the crowds, Hera and Athena somehow founded a loophole and brought Leto off her island as well. Poseidon, Apollo, and Aphrodite were also here.

They all ran toward the food, everyone lost in the fun.

======= Now ======

Percy found Artemis next to the wedding cake, a strawberry cake with white frosting. He slid in next to her, a huge smile on his face. "How is the cake, my dear?"

Artemis hit him playfully. "Don't call me that. I'd rather you call me Arty-" a smug smile grew on Percy's face, but Artemis quickly caught on. "And no, you can't call me Arty. Oh, and the cake is delicious."

Percy took a fork and stole part of the cake from Artemis' plate. Artemis protested, "Hey, that's mine! Get your own!"

"No can do," Percy said before stealing another bite from her. Artemis pouted when Percy ate the last bite. "Sorry, not."

"Come on," Artemis suddenly called out. "Let's dance!"

Music started playing in the background. Some of her hunters danced together and Athena and Poseidon danced together as well. Leto and Hera watched on the sidelines. Aphrodite was talking with some of her children from the hunters. It was pretty rare for a child of Aphrodite to join, so Aphrodite was trying to learn as much about the hunters as possible through her daughter.

Percy held out his hand and Artemis held it, aware of his other hand on her hips and her other hand on his shoulder. The music started with someone singing.

You're from the perfect paradise

And I'm living on the darker side

Ooh, I had a feeling

If you got to know me

Right from the start, you caught my eye

And something inside me came to life

Ooh, I've got a feeling

Now you really know me

"You know, the song is right," Percy commented as they continue waltzing around the garden.

"What's right?" Artemis asked, tilting her head.

"You caught my eyes from the start," Percy said with a small smile before they leaned in, kissing each other lightly before pulling away as if nothing happened.


This could be, this could be ordinary


Could we be something extraordinary?

You and me side by side

Out in the broad daylight

If they laugh, we'll say

We're gonna be someday

Someday, someday

We're gonna be someday

Someday, someday

We're gonna be someday

The song ended as another one began to play. Percy and Artemis decided to continue eating the cake. "This is the best day of my life," Artemis said with a smile as she ate another bite of the cake.

"Are you sure that's it?" Percy asked.

"Hm," Artemis said, pretending to be thinking. "Oh! I know! I also like the wedding cake."

"Anything else?" Percy asked again.

"Hm," Artemis thought teasingly before leaning forward and kissing Percy. "And my wonderful husband, of course."

Percy smiled before kissing her as well. "Now, let's get back home early so no one suspects and we could go early and start our honeymoon."

"Of course," Artemis replied with a smile.

======= Line Break =======

"Ready, Artemis?" Percy asked.

"Ready!" Artemis called out from somewhere in the house before appearing at the front door carrying a silver backpack. "I'm all set."

"That's all you are bringing?" Percy asked in disbelief.

"Yep," Artemis answered before holding out her hand for Percy to take. "Come on! Let's go!"

"Of course," Percy stated before they disappeared.

======= Line Break =======

Artemis and Percy laid on the beach in Delos, looking up at the sun. They had already been here for a week. They were enjoying their honeymoon in Delos, and seeing that the war would start in about a year and they wanted to enjoy as much peace as possible.

"Have you ever thought about having children?" Artemis suddenly wondered aloud.

"Not really," Percy replied. "I always want to be a dad though."

"Oh," Artemis replied softly before snuggling close to Percy. "Any plan you want to carry out?"

"We could see Emerald again," Percy decided. He had a thoughtful look on his face. "I heard from mom that they saw Emerald, too."

Artemis laughed softly. "She could be called the honeymoon dolphin."

"Yep," Percy agreed before standing up. "Let's check on how Leto is doing. We don't want to worry her."

"Okay," Artemis replied before she stood up as well.

======= Line Break =======

Back in Greece, things were not going well. The Olympians were battling monster after monster. Nyx said that she wouldn't attack before June fourteenth, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't send monsters after the Olympian.

Ares was at the front lines along with Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades, who came up to help even if he disliked the Olympians. Hestia was in the back, healing people along with Apollo.

Athena was with Poseidon as well, fighting back to back. Athena stabbed a hellhound in the stomach just as another one appeared. "Watch out!" Poseidon cried out as Athena dodge and Poseidon drove his trident into the monster's throat.

"Are you okay?" Poseidon asked.

"Fine," Athena replied before she threw her spear at the monster behind Poseidon. "You might want to focus, though."

Aphrodite used her 'weapon', which was a perfume bottle. Hera walked next to her with a sword in hand. "How will a perfume bottle safe us?"

"Just wait and see," Aphrodite pouted. "Do you have so little faith in me?"

"Yes," Hera replied as she swung her sword, taking out three monsters. Just as quickly as three monsters disappeared, six more appeared. Hera took out two more as another five appeared. "This is a good time to help."

"Wait," Aphrodite complained. Hera sighed as she took out monster after monster The monsters only increased, never showing a sign of retreating or disappearing. "Now I'll use it!"

She sprayed the perfume around them, circling them in a cloud of pink dust. "Attack now," Aphrodite whispered to Hera.

Hera nodded as she ran forward, killing as many as possible. When the smoke cleared, Hera saw what's happening. The monster couldn't get into their little dome, but they could throw out weapons and attack the monsters.

"Your weapon is actually useful. Duck!" Hera shouted as she threw a throwing knife at Aphrodite who ducked just in time as the throwing knife sailed above her head and hit a monster behind her, the spell wearing off.

As everyone continued fighting, Percy and Artemis appeared in Olympus, shocked at what they discovered.

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