Part 1

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{Cheryl's POV}

'Cheryl?' The masculine voice caught my attention, clearly out of place being at the entrance of the women's changing rooms.

'Reggie Mantle, what the hell are you doing spying on my Vixens?' I retorted, in attempt to make the perverted Bulldog captain leave me alone.

'Are you and the Vixens going to come and welcome the new Southsiders?' He questioned, clearly not having the goal of spying on my Vixens.

'I suppose,' I sighed, wandering over to him, 'it would look good to present a united front, even though I despise those Serpents.'

'Great, meet outside at 7:25am? They're due to arrive at 7:30am.' Begrudgingly, I gave him a slight nod of approval, shortly before a better idea entered my head.

'Vixens, listen up,' my overpowering voice echoed through the changing rooms, forcing everyone to give me their full attention 'we are not going to let these so called 'Southsiders' come in here and rule the school, agreed?' Without waiting for a response, I strutted from the dressing room and to the top of the stairs, being followed by my precious Vixens.


{Toni's POV}

'Nice to meet you, my name is Veronica and this is Archie,' a raven haired girl informed me, gesturing to the taller boy beside her.

'Veronica, Archie, nice to meet you, my name is Toni,' I told them.

Next thing I knew, everyone's eyes were averted to the stairs, where a girl wearing a tight red dress with a black belt stood, looking over the school as if she owned the place. Her matching red heels clicked their way down the stairs and I couldn't help but notice the perfection of her body, she had curves in all of the right places and her red waves cascaded down to the middle of her back as if she were a model.

'Listen up, ragamuffins,' she announced, once she and her passé of cheerleaders were down the stairs and stood in front of me and the rest of the Southsiders.
I heard Veronica sigh as she briefly glanced at me, before returning her attention back to the redhead, who I now recognise as the girl who started the Gholies VS Serpents race yesterday.

'I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers,' she dared to say, looking at me directly when emphasising that final word. 'So please, do us all a favour and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways.' Blood boiling inside of me, I knew that I couldn't let her get away with a comment that wasn't only rude, but also not true.

'Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?' I questioned, striding forward ready to take her on, no mater how pretty she is.

'Happily, Queen of the Buskers,' she replied, without missing a beat - looking me up and down as if I were a piece of trash.

'Okay, guys, everyone,' Archie began, placing his hand between me and the other girl in order to stop anything going further than it already had done, 'can we just put our Northside / Southside differences apart?' He stated, not meaning it as a question. Reluctantly, I backed down and retreated to the group of Southsiders.

After being handed my timetable and a map of the school, I started heading towards where my first lesson was. English, the timetable read, which my map said was on the left side of the building, past the main entrance and the Principle's office.

'Hey Tiny, wait up,' a familiar voice called me from behind.

'You know I hate to be called that, Sweet Pea,' I replied, knowing who it was without turning around.

We both headed to English, I was grateful to have someone I knew in my class. He also informed me that the redhead who I faced off with earlier is named Cheryl Blossom, and is the resident IT girl.


{Cheryl's POV}

Once I was sat down in my usual spot next to the window, I put my copy of Romeo and Juliet on the table, waiting for the rest of the class to arrive.

As suspected, the last two people to get there were two of the newly transferred students, both of whom were Serpents. I sighed inwardly once I realised that there were only two seats left in the class, one of which was next to me.

Of course, I ended up with the pink haired one who I had faced off against just moments earlier.

'Don't worry Cheryl, I didn't want this either,' she whispered, shooting me a knowing glance, 'but maybe it would be in our best interest to try to keep it civil?' I just rolled my eyes, hoping that she'd shut her mouth so I could focus on the lesson.
'Glad we agree, my name is Toni Topaz,' the Serpent continued, despite me not wanting to 'be civil' as she called it.

Upon closer inspection, I actually think that this girl is pretty. Maybe not as pretty as me, but her black v-neck did hug her body quite nicely underneath that hideous leather jacket. If only her and her gang hadn't helped to cover up Jay Jay's murder, I may have been able to allow this girl to get to know me a little more, but what those Serpents did was unforgivable and unforgettable, so she was written off as another girl who wanted to be me.

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