Part 5

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One week later...
(Sorry for all of the time gaps, just roll with it)

{Cheryl's POV}

'You sure you're ready to go back to school today babe? It's only been a week since the accident,' I reminded the other girl, not wanting her to push herself too far.

'Yeah, it's been too long and I can walk almost normally, I'll be fine,' she replied, a reassuring smile on her face. 'Besides, although it has been nice to stay with you, I can't wait to get back to my trailer,' she continued, smiling. I love that smile.

'I'll be over to check on you everyday, I don't want you getting hurt ever again,' I whispered into her ear, I noticed goosebumps appear on her neck.

Once we were at school, we headed into the principle's office to explain where we had been for the past week.

Walking into the office, we sat on the small sofa in front of Mr Weatherbee's desk, Toni on the left of the it and me on the right.

'Miss Topaz, Miss Blossom, welcome back to Riverdale High,' he began, 'as I'm sure you are aware, having a week's absence without contacting us is a bit of an issue, now is your chance to explain why you missed so much school,' he finished sternly, not breaking eye contact with Toni.

'I got in an accident, I was stabbed and I broke my hand,' Toni explained, 'Cheryl stayed home to look after me while I recovered,' she continued.

'Who is your legal guardian?' He asked, 'they should be the one looking after you, not Miss Blossom,' he told us, as if we didn't know that already.

'My uncle, but he usually locks me out of his house so I live in a trailer by myself,' she admitted, looking down in embarrassment.

'Okay, if you ever need any time off in the future, make sure to phone the school, understand?' He asked, switching his gaze from Toni and onto me.

'Yes sir,' we replied in unison, before standing up and heading out of the office.

'We're here a bit early,' Toni said, realising that the halls were still empty, the meeting didn't take as long as we had imagined.

'We can go and wait in the student lounge,' I suggested, turning left into the first room outside of the office.

Sat on the red couch, we didn't speak for a while, but then a question crept into my head, and after that I couldn't get it to leave.

'Why does your uncle lock you out?' I blurted, instantly regretting asking when I saw the shorter girl's face fall.

'He doesn't agree with me liking girls,' she told me, a hint of red reaching up her caramel coloured cheeks.

I knew exactly how that felt, given how my mum treats me.

Reaching out for her small, cold hand, I wrapped it in my larger, warmer one, noticing the contrasting colours of our skin. I took her hand up towards my lips, carefully planting a delicate kiss on it, before looking to her to gauge her reaction.

She smiled, not breaking eye contact whilst reaching her left hand around my waist, as I snuggled into her, taking in her vanilla scent.

After sitting like that for around 15 minutes, we heard the warning bell for first lesson and stood up, heading to maths.


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